13 DECEMBER 1834, Page 9


Arrived—At Gravesend, Dee. 9th, Droughty Castle. Ryley, from the Cape; 10th, Thomas Snook, Plummet: and Howard. Sparks, from ditto. At Deal. 8th, Claudine, Walker. from Madras; 9th, Bussorah Merchant. MoncrietT: and Westmoreland. Brig. 'lock, from Bengel; and Lady- East. Straehan, from Batavia ; and 11th. IM.aria. Miller, from Singapore. Off Dartmouth, 8th, William, Clark, from Bombay. At Liverpoo1,51h, Herculean. King, from Bengal; 6th, Indus, Hagan. from ditto ; Minerva, Metcalf; and (Mental, Fidler, from Bombay ; 8th, Dutchess of Clarence. Evans. from China ; 9th, Hinder). Askew. limn Bengal ; and 10th, Bombay Packet. Garnock, from Bombay. At St. Helena, Oct. 5th. Antelope, Adams, from London ; llth. Columbia, Ware, from Singapore; Edward, Land, from Bengal; and Madeline, Hamilton. from China ; 14th, Royal George. Wilson, from Bengal ; and John Maybe, Crawford. from Bombay ; 16th, Othello, Leggatt. from Batavia; 17th. Pearl, Saun- ders; and 19th, Ann. Sloan. from Manritins. At the Cape, Sept. 18th, Marquis I last- jags, Clarkson. from London; 21st, General Heoitt, Copeland, from Bengal aTOI Hindu, Lothian. from Liverpool ; and Oct. 2.1, Fanny, Drommond, front Mani-hies At Madras, June 29th Sesostris, Yates, from London ; July 1st, City of Eilinharalt. Eraser; and Katherine. S. Forbes. Anderson, front ditto; 4th, Allerton. Gill. tram Liverpool ; I I th. Amelia. Thompson; and Ernand. Gillett. from London. At

Beneal,July 28th. Mary Ann Webb, : and St. Leonard, Gurr, from Liverpool. Sailed—From Graveaend Dec. 9th, Cacique, Pulimm, for St. Helena From Liver. Pool, 5th. Cr de Lion. Glover, for Batavia; and 6th, Columbia. Patterson. for Bombay Arrived—Ott Portsmouth, Sesostris, Yates, from Madras', from China. At the Cape, Oct. Silt Bland, Callen. from LiN 29th. Georgiana. Thorns ; 31st, Royal William, Irelaild ; and Aug. 16t1,, Louisa Campbell. M'Qvieeu; all from London; ad twin Liverpool