Last night's Gazette announces that the Queen has appointed the
Earl of Liver- pool to be a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath.
A circular has just issued from the War Office to Colonels of Militia, directing the completion of the permanent staff of their respective regiment; to the num- ber specified in the Act of Parliament. Suggestions are also given for the ap- pointment of sergeants qualified from their former services in the regular Army to drill recruits. A list of pensioners thus qualified is to be forwarded from the War Office. Prince Albert has consented to pay the poorsrate arrears on his Flemish term, and offers to contribute an annual etim equal to the amount claimed, but without an admission that he is liable in law to pay the impost. The parish-officers demur to this proposal.
The Courrier FrarKaie asserts that Mr. Pritchard refuses to :accept the in- demnity awarded by the English and French Admirals.
The Thames was swelled on the night of Thursday and yesterday morning by the highest tide that has been known for the last twenty-five years; and the destruction of much water-side property has been the consequence. The Coin- merciel Road, Lambeth, and the Belvidere Road, were under water to the depth of several feet; and other places were similarly flooded. The goods pre- mises of the South-western Railway Company were all under water; Battersea marshes reassumed their ancient aspect as one wide lake; many embankment.. walls were thrown down; cellars and the lower parts of houses were flooded, and several persons narrowly escaped from drowning.
The Medway was swollen on the same night, with the like destructive effects. At Chatham several wharfs were covered with water; and the country towards Sheerness has assumed the appearance of a vast lake.