WAH-OFFICL, Dec. 9.-10th Rest. of Foot-R. H. Travers, Gent to be Eneign, br purchase, vice Curry, who retires. 41st Foot -Ensign J. G. Egginton, from the 454k Foot, to be LleuL by purchase, vice Arkwright, who retires. 45th Foot-A. Smyth. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice F.ggInton, promoted in the 41st Foot. 66th Foot-Lieut. 11. F. Turner, from the Cape Mounted Riflemen, to be LieaL vice Nicolls. appointed Paymaster of the 2d Toot; Gent. Cadet E. B. Hart, fro:n the Royal MIL Coll, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Turner, promoted la the Cape Mounted Riflemen. 90th Foot-Lieut. P. O'Gorman, from the Ceylon Rine Itegeneut, to be Lieut. vice Evatt, who exchanges.
1st West India Reghnent-Lieut. G. C. Uneaten, hum half-pey M Foot, to be Lieut. vice Suckling, appointed to the Ceylon Ride keen. ; Ensign H. L. Cafe, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Unnston, who retires; W. N. Watts, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Cafe.
Ceylon Rifle Regt.-Lieut. H. A. Evatt, from the 90th Foot, to be Lieut. vice O'Gorman, who exchanges.
Cape Mounted Riflemen-Ensign H. F. Turner, from the 65th Foot, to be Lied. without pur. vice C. B. Crouse, cashiered by the sentence of a General Court-martiaL Hospital Staff-To be Assist.-Surgeons to the Forces: J. A. Wishart, M.D.; G. Bone, 31.11.; A. G. Montgomery, Gent.