13 DECEMBER 1845, Page 19
ADMIRALTY, Dec. 8.-With reference to the Gazette of the 28th ult, the followted Naval promotions have taken place-Acting Capt. H. Lyster, her Majesty's ship Agin- court, to be confirmed. Coin. E. G. Faushawe, her Majesty's sloop Cruiser, to be Capt. Lieut. G. Merritt, her Majesty's ship Vestal, to be Commander. Acting Lieut. H. Lowther, her Majesty's ship Agincourt, to be confirmed. C. Nolloth, Mate, her MA. jesty's ship Thedalas, to be Lieut. P. W. Slay, Mate, her Majesty's ship Agincourt, to be Lieut.