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THE Royal retreat in the Isle of Wight has been invaded by the per- emptory business of the Ministerial crisis. Sir Robert Peel arrived at Osborne House on Saturday, and remained till Monday; and it is understood that important arrangements were made in the interval.
On Wednesday, the Queen held a Court and Privy Council. The Ministers came down from London (except the Duke of Wellington, who joined the party at Basingstoke) by the South-western Railway ; and they were conveyed from Southampton to Cowes in the steam-yacht Fairy. There were present at the Council, Prince Albert, the Duke of Buccleuch, the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, Sir James Graham, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Stanley, Mr. Goulburn, the Earl of Lincoln, and Mr. Sidney Herbert. Parliament was ordered to be prorogued from the 16th to the 30th instant. [A fact formally notified in Tuesday's Gazette.] At th.Conrt, Dr. Wilberforce did homago an bis appointment to the see of' Oxford. After the Council, Ministers returnedas they went. Lord Joha Russell arrived at, Osborne Rowe, from Scotland, on Thurs- day afternoari, owl remplined till yesterday morning ; returning to London. It, is understood that the Queen returas to Buckingham Palace this afternoon.
The Duke of Cambridge left the Queen Dowager's residence at Witley Court on Friday; and after stopping a day at Leicester, to attend an agri- cultural meeting, arrived in town on Saturday. He visited the Dutchess of Gloucester on Wednesday; went to the cattle-show in Baker Street on Thursday; and left town on that day for Petworth.
The Dutchess of Kent returned from Witley Court yesterday, to Frog- more.