The present week has been one of less excitement in the money-market than its predecessor ; and, like the last, the state of France has been the all- absorbing topic of conversation. The news that has arrived daily since the last report on Saturday has been of much the same character as to its present state of quietude after the recent disturbances; and the French Funds, which advanced nearly 3 per cent on Saturday last, have been well supported, with the exception of an occasional decline of 1 per cent, which has been generally followed by a rally of nearly the same extent. On Monday morn- ing Consols attained their greatest altitude, when, in consequence of the rise in French Stocks, and the arrival of bullion, they opened at an advance of per cent compared with Saturday's quotations ; which, however, was immediately followed by a decline of 1 ; and a further fall to about the same extent occurred on Tuesday, from the receipt of lower prices from Paris; but a rally of 1 per cent took place at the close. Wednesday was a quiet day, and no material fluctuation took place. On Thursday, the members of the House were chiefly occupied in arranging the Account ; which proved to be of a Bullish character, and 3-l6tha to 1 per cent " continuation" was paid for renewing transactions to the January settlement. Today has been occu- pied in the payment and receipt of differences connected with the Account. It has also been the last day for money transactions in Consols previous to the shutting of the Bank books for the dividend accounts to be made up; and they have improved 1 per cent. The public have been steady buyers during the week ; which is generally the case just before the closing of the Consol books. The Three-and-a-quarter per Cents and the Three per Cent Reduced have varied this week M the same extent as Consols. Bank Stock and Exchequer Bills have realized the same value as last week.
The Funds, although comparatively quiet now, after the agitation of last week, are likely to be again subject to much fluctuation as the time draws near for recording the votes of the French people on the 21st instant.
In Foreign Stocks there is little to remark. In Russian, Belgian, Dutch, and other leading securities mostly sought after for investment, prices have been maintained. Sardinian Bonds have advanced lf per cent. Mexican stock has risen if per cent, including an improvement of 11 today. There has been an arrival of dollars during this week ; and the rise today has been caused from a belief that a large further, shipment has been made, by intel- ligence from America. It is to be regretted that the insurrection has not been subdued in Mexico. Had it not been for this circumstance, the price would frhobably have experienced a further advance. Spanish has improved about per cent this week. The are Market has been extremely buoyant throughout the week, and a rise in price to some extent has occurred in most of the leading lines. The most remarkable rise has taken place in the following—London and North-western and Great Western, which have improved 4/. ; London and South-western, 3/. 108.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 3/. 10s.; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 21.; South-eastern 11. Midland Stock continues very scarce, and has risen 4/. 10s. Eastern Counties, that vary so seldom, are 1 better this week ; owing to the proposals with the Newmarket and Chesterford and East Anglian, and also to the prospect of an extension to Tilbury and Southend. The sales in different Shares last week having in
many cases been of a speculative character, the improved aspect of French affairs has induced parties to come in as buyers to close their accounts; not wishing to run the risk of settling-day, which is close at hand, causing a greater demand ; and fearing to meet a scarcity from a probable Bear ac- count. French Sharer!, which last week were at one time almost unsale- able, have rallied considerably. Central of France, Northern of France, and Pans and Strasbourg, are It. higher : others have improved to the follow- ing extent—Paris and Rouen, 1. '108. ; Paris and Orleans, 21.; Rouen and Havre, 108. ; Boulogne and Amiens, 78. 6d.
SATURDAY TWELvx o'exont.
In the English Market, prices are steady this morning, and Consols are quoted for the first time since the shutting ex-dividend, at 961.7, which is equal to the price of yesterday with the dividend. In the Foreign Market, prates are quite nominal. In the Share Market, Midland Stock has been done at 551, South-eastern, 201, and Lancashire and Yorkshire 56f. SATCRDAT Two O'CLOCK.
In the English Market, some sales of Stock have depressed prices about f per cent, and Consols for Account are quoted 96f ex div. In the Foreign House, markets are much the same as in the morning—Braziliau, 93 6; Belgian, 88 90 ; Chilian, 97 100; Danish Five per Cents, 100 2 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 76 7 ;• Dutch Two-and-a•half per Cents, 58 9 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 88 9 ; Mexican, 261 6; Peruvian, 88 90; Portuguese Four per Cents, 31 3 ; Ditto Five per Cents, 90 3; Russian, 110 12 ; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 103 4 ; Spanish Active, 20 1; Dittsa Three per Cents, 391 401; Sardinian Bonds, 81 3.
quo- tations—Aberdeen, 10 ; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 61 ; Caledonian, In the Share Market,crices are much less buoyant, at the following 151 ,• Chester and Holy ead, 19f_. Eastern Counties, 61; East Lancashire, 15; Great Northern, 17/ ; Ditto Half-shares A Deferred, 51; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 36; Great Western, 841; Lancashire acid Yorkshire, 561 ; London and Blackwell, 7 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 94f - London and North-western, 1151; Ditto New Quarter-shares 251'; Ditto, Fifths, 141; London and South-western, 84; Ditto New, 40/., 271; Mid- land, 54f North British, 6f ; North Staffordshire, 91; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 151; South-eastern and Dover, 291 York Newcastle, and Berwick, 18 ; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 6f • York and North Midland, 211; Buckinghamshire, 181; Northern and Eastern 5 per Cent, 56 ; Royston and Hitchin, 8; Caledonian 71; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 151; North British, 41; Boulogne and Amiens, 101; Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 18f; Northern of France, 15; Paris and Rouen, 231; Paris and Strasbourg, 13.
3 per Cent Consuls Ditto for Account 961 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents shut 1 ex d. 97 97 8 Long Annuities
6 1 -16 7
Bank Stock 215 16 Exchequer Bills 48 50 pm.
India Stock shut Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 96 Belgian 41 per Cents 88 90 Chili= 6 per Cents 97 MO
Danish 5 per Cents
2 Danish 3 per Cents 75 7
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8 h Victoria, cap. 311, for the week ending on Saturday, the 6th day of Dec. 1851.
Notes issued £29,902,930 Government Debt £11,015,109 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 15,869,555 Sliver Bullion 33,575
£29,902,930 £29,902,930 BARRING ONPA.RTMINT.
Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities (in. Rest 3,1l6,495 eluding Dead WeightAnnuity1 613,241,768 Public Deposits' 8,077,344 Other Securities 11,547,043 Other Deposits 9,539,166 Miters 11,048,425 Seven Day and otherBills 1,156,843 Gold and Silver Coin 615,654 £36,452,890 £36,452,880 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, C.ontmlaaioners of National Debt, & DI, IdendAcels,
butch 21 per Cents 58 9
Ditto 4 per Cents 88 9
Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 251 6 Peruvian 6 per Conte 88 90
Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 31 3 Portuguese 5 per 'Cents 1824' 90 3
Russian 5 per Conti 110 112 • Ditto 41 per Cents 103 4
Spanish Active 6 per Cents , , 20 1
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 . 191 40/
Sardinian Scrip
Ditto Bonds 81 8