A large and influential demonstration against the Maynooth grant was made on Tuesday by the inhabitants of Edinburgh, under the auspices of the Scottish Reformation Society. The Lord Provost, Mr. Duncan Mac- laren, presided ; and justified his act personally, as a holder of Voluntary opinions, by a vigorous speech. The Secretary stated, that since the in- auguration of the Scottish Reformation Society, in November last year, at one of the most important meetings ever held in Edinburgh, there had poured in 540 petitions, bearing 307,278 signatures, against the Maynooth grant. The Reverend Principal Cunningham moved the principal reso- lution—against any support of Popery by direct grant, especially by such a support as is given to Maynooth ; and " for using every effort in the next session of Parliament to procure the passing of a bill for the entire repeal of said grant." The resolution was supported by fervid speeches, and carried with enthusiasm.
There was a fierce gale on Sunday night and Monday morning. AtEdia- burgh, a great deal of damage was done to buildings. A man working in
the streets was killed by a stone from a house-top. The trees were " almost decimated?'