ifirrign nub Culnunl.
FuseecE.—Louis Napoleon Bonaparte is now, according to the au- thorized accounts of the Usurping Government, complete "master of the situation." The army has been everywhere passively obedient, and the people everywhere passively apathetic. Paris is already pleased- almost—with the new regime, because it is strong ; and the provinces are everywhere pacific, or in process of being quickly pacified, by the "state of siege" and the armed force.
The severest fighting in the streets of Paris on Thursday sennight was at a monster barricade in the Rue St. Denis. The Seventy-second Regi- ment of the Line was selected to attack this defence, " on account," says the correspondent of the Times, "of its enthusiastic attachment to the President of the Republic."
"The regiment had been stationed for some time at St. Clouds It fully answered the expectations formed of it. The men earned the barricade au pas de charge, and so rapidly that the ' insurgents' had no time to retreat behind their second barricade, but were. all bayonetted.. The President, on hearing that the Colonel was wounded, ordered that he should be conveyed to the Elynie where he is attended with the greatest care. Louis Napoleon expressed himself in the most feeling manner when be was informed of the dreadful loss of life incurred."
The attack was severe all along the Boulevard Italiens and the Boule- vard Montmartre. It would seem that the signal for slaughter was given to the troops in answer to a shot, very probably quite accidental and not hostile. The correspondent of the Deily News says— "The people, it seems, were idling about without any special object—most from curiosity—none, it would seem, with any hostile intention. The sol- diers themselves were conversing freely with the populace, and the greatest good-humour prevailed. On a sudden, some person from a side-street fired a pistol—from a window, it is believed. This was the ign :1 for a general firing o r the part of the troops, without the slightest warniug or preparation, and a rattling and deadly discharge was opened upon the quivering and re- treating mass. Round after round poured upon them with fatal precision. Any of your readers who have heard bullets whizzing about their ears, and seen them chipping the stone pavement and stone walls, and flying into houses amidst the clatter of broken glass, may form some notion of the panic of the unarmed mob. It is certain that very few fell with their wounds in front. My informant was certainly not prepared to make any such sacrifice. As he made the best of his way from the scene, men were falling around him on all sides—ones, twos, threes—little groups falling in heaps, and clasped together in dying agonies. Leaping over their corpses, with that terrible in- stinct of self-preservation which knows no pity, my friend succeeded in gain- ing the shelter of a shop, followed, I may almost say, by a bullet, which missed. him by a hair's-breadth. Then came the scene of desolation when all: was over—the carrying of the wounded. to the hospitals, of the dead to— Heaven knows where. The sad, sullen aspect of the soldiery, when their work was done, had in it something portentous; and many a scared, spirit- broken ouvrier who ventured to take the Boulevard on his way home, might be seen regarding these symptoms with mingled hope and fear. Some of the soldiers who had taken part in the attack were subsequently met by time gen- tleman of whom I have spoken, in a wine-shop. According to their own ac- count, they had ae. little anticipated the order to fire on the people them- selves; against whom. they professed not to have the slightest ill-will: but the order was given, and it was their habit to obey, and voila tout."
The same correspondent of the Daily News makes very prominent the fact that such of the people as did fight were almost everywhere gentle- men or shopkeepers, never workmen. He adds some curious evidences that the earliest builders of the barricades were police-agents—provocateurs of that popular antagonism to the Government which was to justify the extreme exercise of the military power. One police-agent thus employed was shot before he escaped, and made the dying confession to his mother..
Official returns of the dead and wounded have been published by the War Department : they make out that, on the side of the people, whether insurgents or spectators, the killed were 800; on the side of the army, 1 officer and 17 men were killed, and 17 officers and 167 privates wounded. But unofficial accounts worthy of credit place the deaths of the people at nearly 2000. The officer killed was Lieutenant-Colonel Loubeau, of the Seventy-second Regiment ; who was shot through the chest as he advanced on-the barricade of the Rue St. Denis, cheering his menonwithhisshako on the end of his sword. Among those of the people who perished, were the Re- presentative Baudin, as we mentioned last week, and the brother of Gaston Dusaoubs, Member for thu department of Haute Vienne, who fell fighting on a barricade. M. Madier de Montjau was not killed, as last week reported, but only wounded ; he is recovering. M. Reims, an eminent journal- ist, formerly editor of the Courrier Francais, and just now of the Orleanist journal the Ordre, also perished on a barricade. Among those accidentally killed were at least two Englishmen,—Mr. Peter Paries, a well-known apothecary, of the Place Vendome ; and Mr. Hoff, brother of a dentist in Paris. Mr. Parise was proceeding to an establishment which he possessed in the Faubourg St. Denis, and had reached the corner of Rue Rouge- moat, when the firing took place; be was desperately wounded in two places, and died three hours. afterwards.
Besides this loss of life, the destruction of property was immense. The houses were fired at by the artillery at pistol-range ; whole streets of them are riddled through and through; and some of them, as the great manufactory of tapestry belonging to M. Sallandronze, were made almost a wreck.
A decree, published in the Moniteur, has instituted a Commission, com- posed of M. Winery, President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Seine, and other officials, with M. Arnal, M.D., and M. say, architect, to inquire into "the damage sustained by innocent victims in the insur- rection of the 3d, 4th, and 5th instant." A credit of 200,000 franca is placed at the disposal of the Commission for the first expenses. Large masses of military still occupied the main places in Paris on Saturday and Sunday. Five thousand soldiers held the entrepOt of the Customhouse in the Faubourg du Temple. But confidence existed in such strength even on that day, that all the small posts, which had been withdrawn. at the commencement of the fighting, were again replaced ; the gardens-of the Tuileries were open all day, and the passage of the Louvre free ; some law courts again held their sittings ; the shops re- opened; and many of the-theatres. On Sunday morning, the streets were crowded with carriages and wellsdressed people, anxious to see the scene Of tie late wontnet; and in the evening all the theatres were opened, and tits melt filled s.6 usual. However, concurrently with these external signs
of public unconcern, there were signs of unabated violence and activity by the official departments. The Prefect of Police issued a circular on Saturday, stating that though the power to revolt was gone the excite- ments to revolt continued.
" The Montagnard ex-Representatives turn to account. the Test remnants of their old prestige to lead the people with them. Furnished lodging- houses, Wes, and suspected houses, become the receptacle of conspirators and insurgents. Arms, ammunitions and incendiary writings, are concealed there. the causes of agitation must be suppressed by practising on a large scale a system of search and arrests. It is the means of restoring to the capital that peace and tranquillity which a handful of factions men have sought to take from it." The fifth legion of the National Guard. of Paris, -which was offered by General Lauriston for the protection of the Representatives on the 2d in- stant, after the diatolution of the Assembly, was dissolved on Sunday. The. 230 Representatives arrested at the hotel of the Tenth. Mairie, had their liberty offered to than, in a day or two on condition that they would promise not to set hostilely against the President they refused such conditional liberty ; on. Friday or Saturday ail were set free but fourteen—whose names are not mentioned. A letter in the Daily News, by a member of the old Chamber of Deputies to his London correspond- ents, says that " each Deputy was seized by the soldiers and led out be- fore a file of bayonets." Of the leaders of parties- arrested before day- break on the 2d instant, the greater number seem to lie kept still in pri- son. M. Thiers was i 1, and was therefore sent back to his awn resi- dence, where he remained two or three days under the surveillance of the police. It was at first said that he was not set at liberty till he gave a promise to travel in Italy or Germany ; but this has been denied ; and the accounts of Wednesday state that he had again been suddenly taken out of his house by an escort of gendarmerie, and sent by force out of Paris, towards the Belgian frontier. Of the leaders- arrested on the 2d, the following eight were sent next day to the fortress of Ham—General Chang,arnier, General Cavaignae, (who, if he had not been arrested, was to have been married to Mademoiselle Odier on Saturday,) General de Lamorieiere, General Charras, General Bedeau, General Lefhd,. one of the Questors, M. Daze, the other Questor, (who did not escape at first, as was generally believed,) and M. Roger of the North. Only one of these has been liberated, M. Roger. The suppression of the newspapers was rigorously continued till the end of last week. The Sleek appeared only on. Tuesday, without a word. of opinion. The Presse, with its immense circulation and power, was likely never to issue again : M. Giraniin, the owner of more than half its shares, is turning everything he has into money, and declaring that he abandons politics: he opposed the resurrection of the Presse, but the other shareholders are about to bring. it out again. The Charivari announces solemnly that it is to eschew all political humotu- far the future. The Pays, M. de Lamartine's paper, "adheres" to the.ueurpation,—that is to say, M. Gueronniere does so in its columns,:. M. de Lamartine has not per- sonally spoken, but before the coup etat was given he had. almost jua- tified it, in a Manifesto against the Assembly and in favour of Louis Na- poleon. As to the state of the provinces, it is impossiblefbr or here to know the truth. Everyday since the 2'd- instant the news flora Paris has declared some additional department, sometimes two or three., to be placed m the- state of siege. The whole ofthe South from.Bordeauxaeross to the Medi- terranean coast,. and up to the Higher Alps, has been and sonic portion. of it is now, in a state of partial rebellion or doubtful obedience. The Go- vernment journals one day state that a place re "profoundly tranquil" ; next day, that in the same place the troops have been " victorious " over the "insurgents "—generally described as Soeialists--and that " ceder is again supreme." Details have been given of eonflieta in the Nievre and the Yonne. Clemency was for seine days. wholly in the hands of the in- surgents ; the authorities of Conlingessanr-Yosme defbnded the town for three days with great difficulty till troops arrived. The latest Govern- ment accounts from Lyons and Bordeaux state that the military authori-. ties are "relaxing the severe measures taken within the last few days" for the preservation of order.
As the decree by which President Napoleon restored the secret vote is deemed to have exercised an important effect ire disarming the insurrec- tion of Paris and in propitiating general- opinion, we extract it in full. It was remarked, on its appearance in the Morriteur, that, "for the first time in the course of the present events, a decree was headed with the words ' French Republic.' " "FRE.NCTE nEernme.
"In the name of the French People. The President of the Republic, cone sidering that the mode of election. promulgated by the decree of the 2el of December had been adopted in other circumstances as guaranteeing the sin- cerity of election; but, considering that the essential object of the decree is to obtain the free and sincere expression of the will of the people; decrees— The articles 2, 3, and 4, of the decree of the 201 December, are modified as follows :—Art. 2. The election will take place by universal suffrage. All Frenchmen are called to vote aged twenty-one years, in the enjoyment of their civil and political rights. Art. 3. They must justify, either by their being inscribed on the electoral lists drawn. up in virtue of the law of the 15th March 1849, or by the accomplishment, since that period, of the con- ditions required by that law. Art. 4. The ballot will be opened during, the days of the 20th and 21st December in. the capital of each commune from eight a.m. till four p.m. " The suffrage will take place by secret ballot; by yea or by no ; by means of a bulletin, either manuscript or printed,
" Done at the Elysee, the 4th December 1851.
"Loins Neroratox BONAsiaTE. "The Minister of the Interior, "DE. IrOlINT."
The document has some further interest from the fact that the Presi- dent's uncle, Jerome, Governor of the Invalides, (sometime King of West- phalia,) wrote to Min on the very day it appeared, earnestly beseeching him to unshackle the suffrage " My dear Nephew—French blood is flowing; stop it by serious appeal to the people. Your sentiments are badly understood. The second proclama- tion, in which you talk of plebiscite, is badly received' by the people, who do not consider it the reestablishment of the right of suffrage. Liberty is with- out guarantee if an Assembly does not snit the Constitution of the Republic. The army has the upper hand. It is the moment to complete a material victory by a moral victory; and what the Government cannot do when it is beaten it ought frequently to do when it is victorious. After having beaten the ofd parties, restore the people; proclaim that universal suffrage, sincere, unshackled, acting in accordance with the greatest liberty, will nominate the
Preside.nt and a Constituent Assembly, to save and restore the Republic. It is in the name of the memory of my brother, and partaking his horror of civil war, that I write to you. Believe in my old experience ; think that Prance, Europe, and posterity, will well judge you. "Your affectionate uncle, JEROME BONAPARTE."
Two days after, Louis Napoleon replied, that he had partly done what his uncle asked of him, in reestabliabirke secret ballot ; but he added, "Mail it faut que Le force alt raison de cos furieux."
When the change of 'voting was conceded, the army had already been marched up to the electoral urns, to vote openly under the eyes of their officers. It seems therefore very like a mockery of generosity for Presi- dent Napoleon to address the ,Minister of War, as he did on Sunday, with this sentimental behest—.
"The suffrages of the army are almost entirely given, and I am delighted to think that there will be found but an inconsiderable number who have voted against me. Yet, as the soldiers who have given in a negative vote might apprehend that it would have the effect of exercising an untoward in- fluence on their career, it is of importance to set their minds at rest. Be good enough therefore, without delay, to make known to the army, that if the mode in which it has voted is different from that according to which the other citizens will vote, it shall be the same for it; that is to say, I wish to be ignorant of the names of those who have voted against me. Consequent- ly, the taking of the votes once terminated and duly verified, I beg of you to order that the _registers may be burnt."
The Patrie of Thursday gave the votes of the army so far as they had been delivered up to that day. Out of 65,289 who had then voted, 61,456 voted for Louis Napoleon; 3449 had the courage to vote against him ; the remainder abstained. The telegraph has since given the votes of the sea- men and marines up to yesterday. Of those who had voted, 6242 had voted for Louis Napoleon ; 2154 voted against him; 171 abstained.
The elloniteur of Monday published the following document.
"Proclamation of the President of the Republic to the French People.
"Frenchmen—The disturbances are appeased. Whatever may be the de- cision of the people, society is saved. The first part of my task is accom- plished. The appeal to the nation, for the purpose of terminating the strug- gles of parties, I knew would not cause any serious risk to the public tran- quillity. Why should the people have risen against me ? If I do not any longer possess your confidence—if your ideas are changed—there is no occa- sion to make precious blood flow ; it will be sufficient to place an adverse vote in the urn. I shall always respect the decision of the people. But as long as the nation shall not have spoken, I shall not recede before any effort, before any sacrifice, to defeat the attempts of the factious. That task is, besides, made easy to me. On the one hand, it has been seen how foolish it is to struggle against an army united by the bonds of discipline, and ani- mated by the sentiment of military honour and by devotion to the mother- country. On the other hand, the calm at.tude of the people of Paris, the reprobation with which they condemned the insurrection, have testified with sufficient clearness for whom the capital pronounced itself. In the populous quarters in which the insurrection formerly recruited itself so quickly among onvriers, docile with respect to such matters, anarchy on this occasion was able to find nothing but repugnance for those detestable excitations. Thanks be rendered to the intelligent and patriotic population of Paris ! Let it per- suade itself more and more, that my only ambition is to insure the repose and prosperity of France. let it continue to lend its aid to the authorities, and the country will he able soon to accomplish, in tranquillity, the solemn net which must inaugurate a new sera for the Republic.
" Done at the Palace of_the Falysee, the 8th December 1851. "Loons NAPOLEON BONAPARTE."
The Moniker of Tuesday eontained a decree, that any person placed under the surveillance of the police who should be guilty of rupture de ban, [breach of licence, or breaking bounds,]. and also any person guilty of being a member of a secret society, may be transported to a peniten- tiary colony at- Cayenne or in Algeria, for any period between five and ten years; where they will be subject to labour, be deprived of their civil sights, and be under military law and jurisdiction.
A letter of histories' interest appeared in the Times of Thursday. It was " a narrative by a Member of the National Assembly," (whose name, in the present state of France, the journalist of course withheld,) describing to the editor of the Leading Journal the events which accom- panied the dissolution of the National Assembly in Paris on the 2d in- stant. Some general reflections are first put down, to show from the acts of the Assembly within the last few months how false and absurd is the pretence that the Assembly was conspiring against the President, and that the latter only struck in self-defence.
In August, the Assembly, by an immense majority, voted the revision of the Constitution, " simply to legalize the election of Louis Napoleon." In November, after an insulting message from the President, demanding the repeal of an unpopular law originally proposed and sanctioned by the Presi- dent himself, the Assembly rejected the demand for repeal only by a major- ity of Iwo votes; and immediately afterwards, in order to comply with the President's policy, adopted in another form most of the changes he proposed. Shortly afterwards, a proposition of the Questors, in strict conformity with the Constitution, for the defence of the Assembly, was rejected by a large majority, from fear of a collision with the Executive : the Assembly actually renounced the command of the troops which might have defended it, and made them over to the map who was compassing its ruin. Lastly, a bill on the responsibility of the Presideut, emanating from another independent body, was received by the Assembly in' a manner studiously conciliatory ; its provisions were made more mild, and the debate on it was deferred, to avoid the displeasure of the Executive. Were these the acts of enemies and conspirators ? "That an Assembly of 750 members may have included in that number certain conspirators, it would he absurd to deny. But the manifest truth, proved by its acts, is that the majority of this Assembly, in. stead of conspiring against Louie Napoleon, sought for nothing so much as to avoid a quarrel with him ; that it carried its moderation towards him to the verge of weakness, and its desire of conciliation to a degree of pusillanimity, That is the truth. You may believe my assertions, for I participated iu atme of the passions of its parties, and I have no reeve either to flatter or to hate there, , The acts of the Zd of December are then described, as the writer saw 4nd heard them with his own eyes 4121 ear'. " When the representatives of the peep's learned, on waking that morning, that several of their colleagues were arrested, they ran to the Assembly. The doors were guarded by the Chasseure do Vincennes, a corps of troops re- cently returned from Africa, and long accustomed to the violenoes of Alge. Pine dominion ; who, nioreover, were stimulated by a donation of 5 femme distributed to every soldier who was in Paris that day, The Repreottutatieee nevertheless presented themselves to go in ; having et their limdone of their Vice-Presidents, M. Darn. This getiGentau was violently struck by the soldiers, gad the Representatives who accompanied him were driven back at the point of the bayonet. Three of theme IL, do Wellionet, Etienne, and Duper°, were slightly wounded. Several others had their clothes pierced. Such was the commencement."
They reassembled at the Mairie of the Tenth Arrondissement. "Every shade of opinion was represented in this extemporaneous Assembly. But eight-tenths of its members belonged to the different Conservative parties which had constituted the majority. This Assembly was presided over by two of its Vice-Presidents, M. Vitet and Id. Benoist d'Azy. M. Darn was arrested in his own house ; the fourth Vice-President, the illustrious Gene- ral Bedean, had been seized that morning in his bed, and handcuffed like a robber. As for the President, M. Dupin, ho was absent ; which surprised no one, as his cowardice was known. Besides its Vice-Presidents, the Assembly was accompanied by its secretaries, its ushers, and even its short-hand writer, who will preserve for posterity the records of this last and memorable sit- ting." Thus constituted, they passed the following decree. e • In pursuance of article 68 of the Constitution—via. the President of the Re- public, the Ministers, the agents, and depositaries of public authority, are respon- sible, each in what concerns themselves respectively, for all the acts of the Govern- ment and the Administration—any measure by which the President of the Republic dissolves the National Assembly, prorogues it, or places obstacles in the exercise of its powers, is a crime of high treason. •• By this act merely, the President is deprived of all authority, the citizens are bound to withhold their obedience, the executive power passes in full right to the National Assembly. The Judges of the High Court of Justice will meet im- mediately under pain of forfeiture ; they will convoke the juries in the place which they will select to proceed to the judgment of the President and his accomplices; they will nominate the magistrates charged to fulfil the duties of public ministers. " 'And. seeing that the National Assembly is prevented by violence from exer- cising its powers, it decrees as follows, viz.- " Louis Napoleon. Bonaparte is deprired of all authority as President of the Re- public. The citizens are enjoined to withhold their obedience. The Executive power has passed in full right to the National Assembly. The Judges of the High Court of Justice are enjoined to meet immediately, under pain of forfeiture, to pro- ceed to the judgment of the President and his accomplices; consequently all the officers and functionaries of power and of public authority are bound to obey all refq;,eittitons made in the name of the National Assembly, under pain of forfeiture and
" 'Done and decreed unanimously in public sitting, this 2d of December I851.' "
The decree is signed by Benoist D'Azy, President ; Vitet, Vice-President ; Moulin and Chapot, Secretaries ; and by the whole of the two hundred and thirty Representatives present, whose names the Times prints at length. General Oudinot was made commander of the public forces; and M. Tann- Bier, of the party of the Mountain, was made chief of the staff. "The choice of these two officers from distinct shades of political opinion, showed that the Assembly was animated by one common spirit. "A band of soldiers, headed by their officers, sword in hand, appeared at the door, without, however, daring to enter the apartment. The Assembly awaited them in perfect silence. The President alone raised his voice, read the decrees which had just been passed to the soldiers, and ordered them to retire. The poor fellows, ashamed of the part they were compelled to play, hesitated. The officers, pale and undecided, declared they should go for fur- ther orders. They retired, contenting themselves with blockading the pas- sages leading to the apartment." The soldiers reappeared with two Com- missaries of Police. " The Commissaries entered the room, and, amid the unbroken silence and total immobility of the Assembly, summoned the representatives to disperse. The President ordered them to retire them- selves. One of the Commissaries was agitated, and faltered; the other broke out in invectives. The President said to him, 'Sir, we are here the lawild authority, and sole representatives of law and of right. We know that we cannot oppose to you material force, but we will only leave this chamber under constraint. We will not disperse. Seize us, and convey us to prison.' 'All, all !' exclaimed the members of the Assembly. After much hesitation, the Commis-sakes de Police decided to act. They caused the two Presidents to be seized by the collar. The whole body then rose, and, arm-in-sum, two-and-two, they followed the Presidents, who were led off. In this order we reached the street, and were marched across the city, without knowing whither we were going." They were taken to the barracks of the Quai d'Orsay, and shut up there. " Night was coming on, and it was wet and cold. Yet the Assembly was left two hours in the open air, as if the Government did not deign to remem- ber its existence. The Representatives here made their last roll-call in pre- sence of their shorthand-writer, who had followed them. The number pre- sent was 218 ; to whom were added about 20 more in the course of the even- ing, consisting of members who had voluntarily caused themselves to be arrested. Almost all the men known to France and to Europe who farmed the majority of the Legislative Assembly were gathered together in this place. Few were wanting, except those who, like M. Mole, had not been suffered to reach their colleagues. There were present, among other4 the Duke de Broglie, who had come, though ill; the father of the House, the venerable Keratry, whose physical strength was inferior to his moral courage, and whom it was necessary to seat on a straw chair in the barrack-yard ; Odilon Barret, Dufaure, Berryer, Remusat, Duvergier de Hauranne, Gustave de Beaumont, de Tocqueville, de Falloux, Lanjuinais, Admiral LaMb and Admiral Urine, Generals Oudinot and Lauri,ton, the Duke de Luynee, the Duke de Montebello ; twelve ex-Ministers, nine of whom had served under Louis Napoleon himself; eight members of the Institute ; all men who had struggled for three years to defend society and to resist the demagogic faction. "When two hours had elapsed, this assemblage was driven into barrack- rooms up-stairs; where most of them spent the night, without fire, and almost without food, stretched upon the boards. It only remained to carry off to prison these honourable men, guilty of no crime but the defence of the laws of their country. For this purpose the most distressing and ignernie nious means were selected. The cellular vans in which &scats are conveyed to the bagne were brought up. In these vehicles were shut up the men who had served and honoured their country ; and they were conveyed like three bands of criminals, some to the fortress of Mont Valerien, some to the Prison Mazes in Paris, and the remainder to Vincennes. The indignation of the public compelled the Government two days afterwards to release the greater number of them; some are still [the letter bus no date) in confinement, un- able to obtain either their liberty or their trial." The Government has specifically denied the truth of the report in Paris that the High Court of Justice assembled and issued process for commencing the trial of Louis Napoleon on the charge of treason. The Member of the Assembly informs the Times that the High Court of Justice dirt thus perforra its duty ; and he publishes textually the edict of the Court. Nothing could be more formal.
"The High Court of Justice, considering the 68th article of the Constitution, considering that printed placards commencing with the words' The President of the Republic.' and bearing at the end the signatures of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte and be Homy, Minister of the Interior, which placards announce, among other things, the dissolution of the National Assembly, have this day been affixed to the walls of Paris; that this fact of the dissolution of the Assembly by the President of the Be. public would fall under the case provided for by the 680 article of the Coristitntieut, and tender the convocation of the High Court of Justice imperative; by the terms Of that article deelsres. that the High Court is constituted, and Raines H, Renottard, Councillor of the court of Cassatioti. to fill the duties of Public Accuser, and to fill those of GreMer, M. Bernard, Grater is Chief of the Court of Cessation; and, to proceed further in pursuance of the terms of the said 68th article of the Constitution, adjaasutl tozrr:w,th13d:fleerer. the hour nom. 'Done raedine0u,tic Present
11;rdouin, Presidolift
H. PittegIS. M. AA °teens IC de la POWS, and M. Cauchy, Judges, this around day ei livssaMer 144.'
" After this textual extract from the minutes of the High Court of Jus-
tice, there are the following entries— "'1. A proces-verbal stating the arrival of a Commissaire de Police, who called upon the High Court to se orate.
"2. A proces-verbal of a second sitting held on the morrow, the 3d day of Decem- ber, (when the Assembly was in prison,) at which M. Renouard accepts the functions of Public Prosecutor, charged to proceed against Louis Napoleon; after which, the Iligh Court being no longer able to sit, adjourned to a day to be fixed hereafter."
In reference to the list of persons whom the Government has formed into a "Consultative Commission," the Member of the Assembly says—" Its ob- ject is to induce France to believe that the Executive is not abandoned by every man of respectability and consideration among us. More than half
the persons on this list have refused to belong to the Commission ; most of them regard the insertion of their names as dishonour. I may quote
among others M. Leon Faucher, M. Portalis, First President of the Court of Caseation, and the Duke of Albufera, as those best known. Not only does the Government decline to publish the letters in which these gentlemen refuse their consent, but even their names are not withdrawn from a list which dishonours them. The names are still retained, in spite of their re- peated remonstrances. A day or two ago, one of them, M. Joseph Perier, driven to desperation by this excess of tyranny, rushed into the street to strike out his own name with his own hands from the public placards ; taking the passers-by to witness that it had been placed there by a lie."
Graniswy.—Letters from Berlin and Vienna state that all political in- terest was absorbed by the events in Paris. So far as the Government organs of the Prussian and Austrian Courts have declared themselves, they indicate a decided sympathy with, and intention to support, the military despotism which Louis Napoleon has set up in France. Cern OF Goon Horz.—The Brazil mail-steamer Teviot has anticipated the regular mail-steamer from the Cape of Good Hope, by bringing its news home rapidly from the Cape Verd Islands. Events are now known to the 4th November—a fortnight later than the previous dates. It is stated that Major-General Somerset had marched 3000 men on Macomo, in the fastnesses of the Waterkloof, and, after two days of hard fighting on the 14th and 16th October, had " completely driven him out and de- stroyed his camp " ; had pursued him into the vallies of the Blinkwater and Fuller's Hock, and, after another day's sharp fighting on the 23d October, had "routed and dispersed him"; and was preparing to make another movement once more to rout him and disperse him, in the fast- nesses about the Kromme heights, " to which his detached bands still clung." Our loss was 6 killed and 26 wounded ; the Caffre loss, 400 killed. Albany had been less harassed during the last month.
MONTE VIDEO AND BUENOS AYRES.—For many years, Roses, the Dic- tator of Buenos Ayres, and in that capacity the President of the sev.eral states on the bank of the Rio Plata which go by the name of the Argen- tine Confederation, has been blockading Monte Video, one of the in- dependent members of the Confederation, on pretence of upholding Onbe, a creature of his own, as the elected President of that state ; and for as many years Monte Video has been repelling Oribe, on the ground that he was not legally elected, and defending itself against the army of Rosas commanded by the said Oribe. France has an immense pecuniary interest in the success of Monte Video, for twenty thousand Frenchmen are settled in that state as merchants, &c. ; and England has, or had, a great commerce with all the states on the river Plate : so France and Eng- land have more than once tried to settle the dispute between Roses and Monte Video ; they have sent fleets, which have sailed up the Plate river for hundreds of miles, and beaten Rosas whenever he liked to come on the water, or the banks, and be beaten ; but they could never do more than temporarily raise the siege of Monte Video, while they were on the spot—the army of Roses retired when they were there, and it came back again when they went away. Some half-dozen treaties have been made by the most able of the English and French diplomatists with Roses, only to be evaded by him, or to be rejected in London or Paris because they were not favourable enough to us Europeans. What England and France could not do in more than ten years, a power of less name on the South American main land itself has done in fewer months. Brazil has formed a treaty with Monte Video ; has marched an army into its territory ; has raised the siege of the beleaguered city by defeating the army of Oribe ; and is now preparing to cross the river Plate in its own fleet, and carry out the desire of the whole Argentine Confederation by deposing Rosas and driving him out of his own city. This news, which for months has been vague and uncertain, now comes authentically by the Queen's sloop Fly, from Monte Video on the 12th October. The Monte Videans were rejoicing at the recovery of their freedom, with the extravagant glee of manumitted slaves.