OVER a bright blue sea
White gulls are lazily soaring, Out of a bright blue sky Is a light, that is heavenly, pouring; High in the air tall cliff, Sheer crag, sharp pinnacle towers, Only to-day no frown From their high brows gloomily lowers.
Softly the smooth waves sway With peaceful, inaudible motion, Lightly the ripples afar Leap, laughing on limitless ocean.
Where is the giant of old Who roared with a voice earth-shaking P Weak as a pygmy to-day Is the light wave fitfully breaking.
Praise we the wind's wild rage And the tempest's terrible anger; Fair is the peace of the sea, And the land's unchangeable languor.
Praise we the war of the gods, Wan water eternally leaping; Fairest of all is the rest Of a dreamland drowsily sleeping.