13 DECEMBER 1919, Page 16



Wm the glad sun sinks down behind the mountain,

And sadness comes upon the evening breeze—

Then sit I down by Memory's dim-lit fountain And in her waters find my reveries.

Ah for the love that was so prized a treasure!

The beauty that no mortal flower seemed; The infinite now compassed by a measure . . .

And I, awake, to find that I have dreamed!

Beauty whose fingers on my heartstrings trembled; Love that drew out the deep things of my soul; O sisters, can it be that ye dissembled, And held me back from a diviner goal? . .

Nay, but as shadows of the LOVi3 that liveth Ye had enthralled my vision for a day :

All soul that closed against the Hand that-giveth!

Ah feet that faltered from the holy Way!

Lo now in Beauty Worship her Creator In the dawn's fragrance find His holier breaths Stay thy desire for thiiigs that die,.fOr greater Is he that dwells beyond the ken of death. .

Forgive me, Love, if thy robes have fingered : Beauty, forgive, if I have worshipped this : If at your portals I have yearned and lingered, In present things forgetting things to be.

Open the door of Life ye serving sisters : The pilgrim on his pnzzleci way. attend. Be not his tempters, but_his twin assisters, And point him ever on towards the end.

Now do I crave Thy pardon, 0 my Father; A child of folly longing to be wise.

If the thing seen has tempted, now the rather— Save for Thy glory, grant me sightless eyes!

L. L.