13 DECEMBER 1957, Page 18


SIR,—Your eager-beaver readers are so determined to establish that Right-wingers are upright, down- right, forthright Puritans and Left-wingers the oppo- site, and vice versa. I doubt if Mr. Muggeridge and Lord Altrincham are as concerned with the political views of the cretins who sent them obscene letters.

I am sure they would much prefer your readers to devote their energies to discovering how they (Mr. M. and Lord A.), or their secretaries, might avoid reading misguided missives.

My advice is that when Mr. M. and Lord A. again write articles likely to arouse the dirt-clingers' wrath they follow Bernard Shaw's example and publish a request that correspondents should write the word 'obscene' on the top left-hand corner of their envelopes.—Yours faithfully,

DEREK ROBBINS Old Brewery House, George Yard, Andover, Hants