Sut,—In his article 'Landscape Lost,' in the Spectator of November 22, Mr. H. E. Bates relates how 'in one of the few remaining copses the local rural district council engages in the pleasant pastime of dumping raw sewage.' This method of disposal, not only in copses but also on farmland within a village, seems to be a regular practice in some rural areas. It is surely important, therefore, that this matter be given very serious consideration in conjunction with the allied outrage of the pollution of river and coastal waters referred to by Mr. Hamilton, your correspondent of last week.
It appears somewhat paradoxical for the Govern- ment to spend vast sums of money on child welfare clinics, health visitors, etc., when local authorities continue to foster such obvious breeding grounds of disease.—Yours faithfully, The White House, Holmer Green, High Wycombe, Bucks