How Master Fuller won the day
Sir: It is true that Ranter Cobb, an hind, bath been deposed, and that in his place bath been introduced a teutonick knight, Hartmutt Johann Otto Pogge von Strandmann, a panther, our new junior dean and self-styled ranter.
• Methinks Mercurius Oxoniensis is of the eighteenth century rather than of our own; he being the Duke of Newcastle of our university politicks (our late Master C. Hill being the Wesley that bath inspired us). And it is bruited that Mercurius Oxon. bath conspired with our late Ranter Cobb (whom the Fanaticks did cozen most abhominably in the matter of Eugenius Eutychianus) with the purpose of securing him as his William Pitt, so that the latter might in the end succeed him and reap the harvest that bath so far taken eleven long years to sow.
We will advertise You of any happenings that may take place before the return of the Faust- ticks in Hilary Term.