Sir: With the season of goodwill-towards-all- men nigh upon us
I should have thought you might have been a mite more charitable to a correspondent who must surely be given credit for being as sincere as you, sir.
It seems that anyone who dares to disagree with the cause of the Ibo leaders must be pre- pared to suffer quite ludicrous abuse from either the Ibos in this country or their supporters such as you, sir or, direst of all, from both.
I am not the monster one might believe from your snide remarks in a juvenile editorial dated 15 November. I am simply someone who has formed opinions of the situation in Nigeria based on years of living and working there among all tribes, including Ibos.
I will not be convinced by Mr Waugh's specious arguments or fulsome praise of the gang of Ibo leaders whose cause is based on treachery, murder, assassination, mutiny, piracy. sabotage, theft, hi-jacking and sheer downright power-hungry ambition.
I consider the Ibos a threat to Nigeria and West Africa and, if unchecked, to Africa too. Ojukwu was just a hairline from being Africa's Black Hitler when he invaded the other three regions of Nigeria over a year ago. Victory then and all of West Africa would have been Ibo- dominated by this time.