13 FEBRUARY 1847, Page 10

The Cork Examiner publishes a letter from Messrs. Keeling and

Hunt who have been commissioned by Government to look out in the different grain-markets of the world for a supply of potato-seed. They have madk efforts to procure seed-potatoes from France, the Azores, and Russia; but unsuccessfully; and they have sent to Bermuda as a last resource. "It is very evident," they say, "that Ireland must fall back upon grain-food. We look to the present visitation as a providential warning as to the futil- ity of depending upon so precarious a root as the potato." Under the temporary relaxation of the Navigation-laws, says tht Northern Whig, several Dutch East Indiamen have been chartered to bring grain from America They can make a trip to the States and back while waiting to take their turn for the regular trade

Mr. O'Connell is unwell; so much so that he has not been able to attend the House of Commons since Weenaseay.