The market has been heavy during the whole week. The operations were of an unim t character, if we except those of two Maus of public companies, one of w sold and the other bought extensively. At one period today, Consols
for Account were 4 per cent below our last prices: the quotation being 905: to- wards the close of business a trifling reaction occurred, and the last prices indi- cate an advance of 4 per cent. It was again anticipated that the Bank Directors would have increased the rate of discount to 45 or 5 per cent; but this expecta- tion was not realized, and the rate continues the same. Nothing has transpired as to the financial arrangements of the Government. It seems clear, however, from the low price of Exchequer Bills, that no funding operation is expected. From the present condition of these securities, also, we infer that a loan is con- templated; as, if it were intended to meet the Irish expenditure by advances from the Bank upon the deposit of Exchequer Bills, the interest must be raised as a preliminary. The rates of the foreign exchanges continue nearly the awe. In Pans, a calm seems to have supervened upon the recent commercial agitation; the money market there being steady, without any material signs of amendment. The drain of bullion still continues, though not to a great extent; the decline in the amount last week being about 500,0001. The demand is mainly for the United States and Russia; the profit upon arrival in the latter country being very great, in consequence of the risk of the lengthened land-carriage.
In the Foreign Market, all varieties of stock are lower, and the business has been unimportant. An exception is to be made in favour of Portuguese Stock; which improved between 1 and 2 per cent upon the promulgation of the decree authorizing the return, when the financial condition of the country will admit, of the two decimas deducted from the last dividend.
The Railway Shares still continue declining. The Northern-western have fallen about Si. per share; the Midland, Great Western, and other important lines, are not much above 11. lower; while the lesser varieties are in some cases without any material change, but the general tendency of the market is downwards. In some cases the dealers find great difficulty in supplying the demand for immediate investment. Brighton Shares this afternoon were 2s. 6d per share dearer for money than for account.
No change of importance has occurred in the French Shares: they are rather Batter than last week, but the business has been on a very small scale.
SATURDAY, TWEIVR O'CLOC.K. The English Stock Market is firm, at the closing prices of last night ; the tone of the debate in the House of Commons last night being considered as fatal to the measure of Lord George Bentinck, and the present continuance of the Ministry in office thus secured. We cannot notice any transactions of importance. In the Foreign Stock Market, the only variation is in Portuguese and Spanish Bonds ; the former being rather lower, and the latter at a slight improvement, The Railway Shares are rather flatter. London and North-western are nominally quoted (ex dividend) at 182 4. The following are the principal bargains occurring: Bir- mingham and Oxford Junction, 131; Eastern Counties York Extension, 44; East Lancashire, New Scrip, 25; East Lincolnshire, 65; Leeds and Bradford (ex dividend), 785; London and Blac.kwall, New, 1 pm.; Greenwich, 95; South-western, 65; Ditto, New Consolidated Eighths, 46; Ditto, New, 25; Ditto, Scrip, 55; North British, Half-shares, 165; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 45 5; Preston and Wyre, Half-shares, 10; York and Newcastle, New, 115; Ditto, Preference, 85 4; York and North Midland Extension (ex dividend) 365. SATMIDAY, TWO O'CLOCK.
The English Funds close rather more firmly than in the morning, though we cannot notice the occurrence of any important transactions. No change or busi- ness of moment has occurred in the Foreign Market, or in Railway Shares. The following are the principal Share bargains since the morning: Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 25; Birmingham and Gloucester, 121 2; Eastern Counties, 21; Ditto, York Extension, 45; Great Western, 12343; Ditto, Half-shares, 72; Ditto, Quar- ter-shares, 195; Loudon and Blackwell, 85; London and Greenwich. 95; London and South-western, 654; Midland, 120; Ditto, New, 355 4 5; Dutch-Rhenish, 44; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 125 5; Namur and Liege, 25; Sambre and Meuse, 65. 'a per Cent Consols 904 } Danish 3 per Cents 87 9
Ditto for Account 9014 Dutch 24 per Cents 581 3 per Cent Reduced 904 4 Ditto 4 per Cents. 924
4 per Cents 924 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 214 24
Long Annuities New Grenada 17 19 Bank Stock 904 Portuguese New 5p. Cts. 1841 344 54 Exchequer Bills prem. 5 8 Peruvian 38 40 India Stock Russian 5 per Cents III 113 Brazilian 5 per Cents 85 7 Spanish (Active) .5 per Cents 244 6
Belgian 44 per Cents 93 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 342 bi
Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 40 2 Venezuela 37 39 Chilian 6 per Cents 93 5