13 FEBRUARY 1847, Page 20


1123 243 343 51 lab 363 Weekly Averages for the Week ending Feb. 6. Wheat, 731. 10.1.—Barley, 53s. 6d.--Oats,33,04.—Rye,55s.9d.—Beans,648.34.—Peas,571. 8d.

HOPS. POTATOES. Kent Pockets 90, to 130, York Reds per ton.240t. to Os.

Choice ditto 0 — 0 Scotch Reds 0 — 0

Sussex Pockets 80 — 90 Devons 0 — 9

Fine ditto 0 — 0 Kent and Essex Wlutes 9 — 0


FUND S. (Closing Prices.)

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account .

3 per Cents Reduced

ai per Cents

Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per Cent. India Stock, 103 Exchequer Bills, 13d. per diem India Bonds, 3 per Cent

&turd. -- 91 91 9 923 ft 254

8 pm. -- 9- 903 91 923 -- 903 901

901 92 93 201 250 6


909 903 923 93 204 251 9



201 SO;

91 92

10 pm.

Friday. Monday Tuesday. O'sdnes


903 921 93 204


14 Wheat,R.New 70 1n72 Fine 72-76 Old 66 —70 White 74-76 Fine 78—So

Super.New 74-78

GRAIN, Mark Lane, Feb. 12. s. •

Rye 63 to65 Barley 46-48

Mailing 56—Is

Malt, Ord 00-84 Fine. 86-68 Peas, Slog 51-52 Oats, Feed. 221032 Fine 33 — 34 Poland.. 36 — 37 Fine. 37 — 36 Potato .. 35-28 Fine. 19-40 Maple 54 to68 White 56 —60 Boilers 61-63 Beans, Ticks 80-52 Old. 62-54 Harrow 64-56 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat... 70, 74. Rye ills. ld. Barley.. ... 50 9 Beans 60 0 Oats.. .., 30 2 Peas 53 9 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN. For the present Week. Wheat . Os. Od. I Rye 09.04 Barley 0 0 Beans 0 IS

Oats 00 Pees 00' (Last Official Creotatio


Blrm,ngham and Gloucester

Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Couuties Great North of England Great Western. . .

Hull and Selby Lancaster and Carlisle

London Brighton and South Coast

London and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and North-western London and York - Manchester and Leeds ..


Newcastle and Carlisle North British South-eastern and Dover South-western

York and North Midland ..... Doc's-

East and West India.

London St. Katherine SHARE S.

n during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Banjo—

Australasian British North American Colonial Commercial Of London

London and Westminster London Joint Stock

I National of Ireland

National Provincial •

Provincial of Ireland

Union of Australia

Union of London


Bolanos • Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John Del Rey)

Cobre Copper Itisescsmi tees—

Australian Agricultural ..


General Steam Peninsular and Oriental Steam

Royal Mail Steam South Australian BULLION. Per os. METALS.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard .. £3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes £93 10 Foreign Goldin Coin,Portugall•loces 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars... . 9 15

New Dollars 0 4 103 Lead, British Pig .... 18 15 Silverin Bars, Standard .. ...... 0 5 03 Steel, English 0 0


0.. 0 0 0 C .. 10 0 0 0 .. 19 0 0' 0.. 0 0 0

slab: 73 674

121i 77 21 Cad. 237 ' 1243 1063 643 65s


189 29 107f 12ot ex d.

1121 /14 37 64 90



s. d. a. d. s.

Beef... 2 10 to 3 4 to 4 Mutton 3 6 — 4 0 — 4

3 8-4 8 — 6 Pork .. 3 4 — 4 4 — 5 Lamb.. 0 0 — 0 0 0


flu..' SALITNYIELD.• s. d. s. d. 0. d.

3 6 to 4 0 to 4 4 4 0 — 4 8 — 5 2 4 4-4 10-6 6 0 — 4 6 — 5 0 0 0 — 0 0 — 0 0 • To sink the offal, per 8 lb.


Friday. Monday.

Beasts. 862 ..... 2,855 Sheep. 2,420 18,400 Calves. 127 68, Pigs. . 290 940

(Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

ithrraristn. WIlaTIcli■PEL.

45s. to 761 Os. to Os.

0 — 0 44 — 63 0 — 0 65 — 76

65 — 97 0 — 0

. ... ..... 30 — 34 .... 24 — 32

HAY AND STRAW. Ctrassathiin.

Hay, Good 70, to 77s Inferior . ..... 55 — 65 New .. ..... ..• •0-0

Clover.. 92 — 98 Wheat Straw 32 — 86 FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 65s. to fills. Seconds 60 — 65

Essex and Suffolk.onboard ship 55 — GO

Norfolk and Stockton 50 — 55 Bran per quarter 0 — 0

Pollard, fine. ... .... 0 — 0 Bread, sd. to 103d. the 41b. loaf.


Butter—BestFresh, 15, Od. per doz. Carlow,41. 10s. to 41. 17*. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per ewt. 63,.— 661.

Cheese, Cheshire 62 — 78

Derby Plain SO — 68 Hams, York. 64 — 71 , Eggs, French, per 120, 91. Od. to 108.0d. FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct — I Massachusetts (SterUng)...6 p.Ct. Austrian 6 109 Mexican .

43 — 8,i Michigan e

23 — MS Mississippi (Sterling) 6 5 85 Neapolitan 8 40 New York (1858) .... I —

94 Ohio e

Pennsylvania 6 503 Peruvian .... ....... 6 — 92 Portuguese 6 — II — .

— Russian . 6- - Spanish 6 — ,— Ditto 3 —

Ditto (Passive)

Ditto (Deferred) — Venezuela Active

Belgian Ditto Brazilian Buenos Ayres . . ..... 6 — Chili= Danish 3 Dutch (Ex. 12Guilders) 23 —

Ditto 4 —


Ditto ...... . ..... . 6 — Indiana (Sterling) a — Illinois 6

Kentucky Louisiana (Sterling) Maryland (Sterling) 6 — 219 87 63 393 — ' OILS, COALS, CANDLES.

Rape Oil per ewt. El 161. 04.

Relined 1 17 0 Linseed 011 1 6 9

Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 0 0 0 Can.lies, per dozen, Is 04. to 6s. Od. Moulds (64. per dos. discount) 7s. ed.

Coals,lietton 235. 3d. Tees .... 22*. 94. GROCERIES. Tea. Bohea, fine per lb. Os. 24. to Os. U.

Congon, fine I 11 —1 2 Souchong, fine 1 3 — 2. 6 • In Bond—Duty 2o W. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt 92*. to 1276.0d.

Good Ordinary 39s. tO 431- •

Sugar, Muscovado. per cwt see- 894.

West India Molasses,.. 261. Od to 28s. OA