Zbt eourt.
Tam Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Royal children and Prince Alexander Mensdorff, arrived at Buckingham Palace, from Windsor Castle, on Tuesday afternoon.
The first levee of the season was held yesterday, at St. James's Palace. The Queen and Prince Albert arrived from Buckingham Palace at two &clock, in the usual state. In the Royal closet, her Majesty gave au- diences to the Marquis of Anglesey and Lord John Russell. The Duke of Cambridge and Count Alexander Mensdorff attended the levee. The presentations were rather numerous. Among the names which strike us as least familiar in such a list, are those of Mr. Henry Edward Fox Young, the new Lieutenant-Governor of the Eastern Districts of the Cape; Mr. Montgomery Martin, "to present his report on the English opium-trade in China "; Mr. John and Mr. Daniel O'Connell junior; Colonel Sir Henry kneed, late Governor of Trinidad. After the levee, the Queen gave audience to Viscount Falkland; and returned with Prince Albert to Buckingham Palace. On Wednesday, her Majesty, Prince Albert, and a party, drove out in sledges. On her return, the Queen gave audience to Lord John Russell; and in the evening she had a party. The sledges were again used on Thursday; Prince Albert driving the Queen, the Prince of Wales, and the Princess Royal. Her Majesty and the Dutchess of Kent paid visits to the Dutchess of Gloucester afterwards; and Lord Lansdowne had an audience.
Prince Albert visited the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge on Wed- nesday.