The engrossing question in Paris is the dissolution of the
Assembly. Sixty departments have declared themselves for dissolution. The question will be debated by the Assembly in two forms—A proposition by M. Rat- teau to fix a reelection on the 4th March, and the dissolution on the 19th of March, was under debate yesterday; another proposal is that of MM. Papua°, Barthelemy St. Hilaire, Bixio, and Attaroche, which fixes the new election for the 15th of April, and the convocation of one and the dis- solution of the other Assembly for the 4th of May.
The debate commenced yesterday, with a constitutional speech by M. de Sere; who was much interrupted in his support of M. Bateau's motion by the party of the Mountain. Begun late in the day, the discussion still proceeded at the hour of post.
The Paris correspondent of the Morning Chronicle states as certain, that the President has determined to nominate M. Odilon Barrot for the Vice- Presidency—with MM. Albatucci and Boulay de la Menothe, who will not be chosen, or will resign in favour of M. Barret.
The Evonement states that M. Guirot will not return to Paris before March.
Lord Brougham arrived at the Hotel Megrim on Thursday.