['he cattle plague has increased again, the returns of seizures
eing 9,120 for the week against 7,693 the week before. The per- centage of cures never varies, being always 10 per cent. The disease is onlydecreasing in the northern andsouth midland counties, and the strain towards the suppression of all animal locomotion increases rapidly. Mr. Tollemache, however, the High Sheriff of • Cheshire, reports that none of his cows which have been vacci- nated have taken rinderpest, though other cattle on the same farm have died from it, and experiments in vaccination are now being carried out under the Cattle Plague Commission. In Ireland Mr. Fergusson, the Inspector, has recommended that all cows should be vaccinated, and Dr. Murchison supplies further evidence of the Success of that preventive. He adds, however, that the lymph from the cow which has not passed through the human subject should be employed.