The existence of Bethnal Green is the best proof of
English civilization. That social order must indeed be strong which pre- vents people living as its people seem to do from making a rush upon their happier neighbours, " to live working or die fighting." We gave last week the case of Mrs. Bellinger starved to death in her mother's house, and this week two other horrible cases are recorded. In one it appeared that about a fourth of the patients in the workhouse hospital are every night turned into the other wards, and then locked up all night without light or means of communicating outside the ward. One poor man of sixty-five, naratigniireke-, was-toockedtip while suffering from bronchitis, tumbled out of bed, and died. No report even was made till the morning. In he second case, a needlewoman, one Margaret Fair- service, was fohd dead in her room of cold and want. She slept on the splines of the bed, having no bedding and nothing to eat ; yet she had a sister well to do who allowed her a shilling a week but never went near her, and a brother earning 121. a week who re- fused to give her anything. She died quietly alone, rather than go into the House to be tended as paupers in its hospital are evidently tended.