The Art Journal. January. (Vir tne and Co.)--In this number
of the Art Journal there is an interesting account of the new " Graphotype " process, with an excellent illustration. Tho picture produced, as we are informed, in less than an hour, seems to us very clean and effective, and if, as the writer asserts, it is inferior in delicacy of execution to others that he has seen resulting from the same process, we can only say that the process in question promises to be of considerable utility. The writer considers that it will not supersede the best class of wood engraving, but will be very serviceable where cheapness and rapidity of production are required. He has the authority of Messrs. Roper, of Southampton Street, the proprietors of the patent, to say that they will be glad to see any one who may be desirous of receiving further infor- mation with regard to the invention.