The Atlantic Telegraph. By W. IL Russell, LL.D. Illustrated by
Robert Dudley. (Day and Son.)—" Muftis ilk bonis fiebilis " may with truth be said of the Atlantic cable, "nulliflebilior " than by Messrs. Day and Son, who have spared no pains in the production of the present very handsome volume, to find, we fear, that the public take but little interest in it. Dr. Russell's narrative, which is an amplified version of what appeared in the Times is as intelligible and pleasant as could be wished, and the perusal of it is materially assisted by the excellent sketches illustrative of the machinery and vessels employed and the incidents on board ship, furnished by Mr. Dudley ; this gentleman also gives some half-dozen coast scenes in Ireland and Newfoundland, which are simply beautiful. We trust that it will not be all in vain ; that people will remember that the present volume contains, if not the account of the laying of the Atlantic cable, at least a very interesting story, and some five-and-twenty highly finished engravings.