13 JANUARY 1866, Page 3

The Bank Return being more favourable, and the rate of

dis- count in the open market having fallen about 1 per oent., the Consol market yesterday was firmer, and an advance of per cent. took place in the quotations, the latest prices being 871 for money, and 87f f for account. On Saturday last, the closing quotations were 87* 1 for delivery, and 87* for time ; but in the early part of the present week prices declined considerably, the Three per Cents. for transfer having been quoted as low as 861 f. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now 12,887,8291., in the Bauk of France, 15,942,8281. The Bank rate of discount here remains at 8, whilst the official quotation at Paris is 5 per cent.