THE event of the week has been a speech from Lord Derby to the Conservative Working-men of Liverpool. We have analyzed it elsewhere, but must observe here that it is understood on .all hands as an announcement that Lord Derby remains an active leader of the Conservatives, that he endorses Mr. Disraeli's advice to wait till the pear ripene, that he accepts but scorns the ballot, and that he thinks his party may successfully resist strong con- structive legislation, especially restrictive licensing laws, sanitary laws, laws remodelling county government, and laws such as were -suggested by the promoters of the Social Alliance. He is opposed to Home Rule, to any concession to Ultramontanes, and to inter- vention in the next great war on the Continent, and in favour -only of judicial reform and of a limited creation of Life Peers. That is a programme which will not attract much enthusiasm, but may prove very effective for party purposes.