The death of Sir F. Crossley, a man of no
particular mark as a politician, but of great benevolence, public spirit, and consequent influence, has left a vacancy for the Northern division of the West Riding. No final arrangements have yet been made, but it is believed that Sir H. Edwardes on the Tory side will contest the seat with Mr. Isaac Holden as the Liberal candidate. The election will be one of great importance. Should it turn out that the Nonconformists and publicans of a district like this are both so angry with Government as to abstain from voting or to oppose it, the Liberals will be seen to be in greater danger than they have been for twenty years. It is possible, however, that the Noncon- formists may not abandon a man so Radical as Mr. Holden, in order to let in a man who certainly will not help to give them anything.