13 JANUARY 1900, Page 2

The German Emperor deserves the admiration of all states- men

for the really splendid persistence with which he pursues an object when once be has fixed his mind on it. On Tuesday he sent a telegram to the King of Wiirtemberg thanking him for his interest in the Wiirtemberg branch of the Navy League, and concluded his message in the following terms:— " I hope that the events of the last few days have convinced more and more extensive circles that Germeny's honour, as well as her interests, mast be protected on distant seas, and that for this purpose Germany must be strong and mighty at sea as well as on land." Thus the action of our naval officers off D. lagoa Bay is made to contribute to the Emperor's naval agitation. As to the seizures of German vessels, it seems to be admitted that we have kept entirely within international usage. It is to be hoped that we shall continue to maintain this attitude very strictly, for it would be unwise for us to do anything that might in the future be used to limit the rights of neutral vessels engaged in supplying us with food and other necessaries.