TEST AND SCHOOL Boogs — Specimens of English Prose from Mallory
to Carlyle. Selected by Bertha M. Skeat. (Blackie and Son. is. 6d.)—Miss Skeet has made a very interesting and instructive choice of extracts, covering altogether a period of nearly four centuries. Each passage is preceded by an explana- tory note that puts the reader in a position to appreciate it. The book is divided into eight sections, which number in all about fifty specimens of prose style.—My First French Book, By Marguerite Ninet. (Same publishers. 1s.)—An Introduction to Anabytical Chemistry. By G. G. Henderson, D.Sc., and M. A. Parker, B.Sc. (Same publishers. 5s.)—First Steps in Earth- Knowledge. By J. Ansted Harrison. Edited by W. Jerome Harrison. (Same publishers. 2s. 6d.)—We may quote the first sentence of the preface in explanation of the title of the book.
"Earth-knowledge may be described as the application of all the sciences to the study of the great globe which we inhabit." Accordingly, we find here experiments in specific gravity and motion, inertia and force, explanation of the "parallelogram of forces," the action of the lever, reflection and refraction of light, &c.