Sfit,—The course of action which you recommend to Unionist Free-traders at the coming Election in your admirable article of last week on the Duke of Devon- shire's letter, if "essentially moderate and reasonable," is not, I venture to think, strictly logical. If the question of Free-trade or Protection is the paramount issue, as the Duke rightly says, then all other questions should be left out of account, and Unionist Free-traders should vote for Liberal and Free-trade candidates as against Unionist Protectionists without waiting for assurances with regard to Home-rule or any other question. It seems to me that this is the only logical course, and it is the one which I intend to adopt, though I have always been, and still am, a Conservative.—I am, Sir, &c., A.RTIIIIR TILLEY. Cambridge.
[As we have not yet heard of any Liberal candidate who insists that the next Parliament must pass a Home-rule Bill, there is little or no practical difference between the advice tendered by us and by our Conservative correspondent. It will be well for the country if all Conservative Free-traders show his firmness and determination.—ED. Spectator.]