[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sig.,—We Irish Unionists are arranging a mission to the British constituencies in order to restore to power Mr. Balfour, who might easily have saved us from the danger which he himself has created. I venture to doubt that Mr. Balfour deserves such an effort from us; but I also doubt the expediency of this movement. Home-rule must wait until the Fiscal, Education, and Licensing questions are all disposed of. If we send our mission now, we shall be brought into conflict with Free-traders, licensing and education reformers, many of whom would vote against Home-rule when these questions are disposed of. Far better, then, to wait until the Home-rule issue is put definitely before the constituencies. Meanwhile, Mr. Balfour in Opposition will, we may be sure, be vigilant; and should any measure leading to Home-rule be introduced, we may leave it to the Lords to dispose of it, should it ever reach them. I venture, then, to think this mission pre- mature. Far better to husband our ammunition until the enemy is within range.—I am, Sir, &c., AN OLD CROMWELLIAN