SIR,—With reference to the letter which appeared in your columns on December 30th, 1905, under the heading " A Stores Scandal," relating to the. sale to us of 4,174 cases of ports originally shipped by the Government for the use of the officers and invalids during the South African War, and the loss to the country by this transaction of about £10,435 suggested in the said letter, while we are not in a position to controvert the figures, we think it right in justice to ourselves to state that the purchase, so far as we are concerned, was made in a perfectly open and legitimate manner, we consider- ing ourselves entitled in the way of commerce to purchase at the lowest possible price.—We are, Sir, &c.,
43 and 47 Finsbury Square, E.C.
[Assuredly. We did not intend to throw any blame on Messrs. Elirmann by the publication of the letter.. There was no sort of. obligation on them to pay anything but the lOweat price at which they could obtain the wine. Their profit will be perfectly legitimate.—ED. Spectator.]