President Roosevelt's action in accepting the invitation to the Algeciras
Conference and appointing American represen- tatives has not escaped the criticism of the Senate, some of whose Members seem to make it their business to obstruct the Executive. Senator Bacon, a leading Democrat, in a two hours' speech informed his hearers that the President desired to involve the United States in a European war, but this nonsense seems on the whole to have met with little support. America, like Europe, has interests in Morocco, though in a less degree, and this distinction is recognised by the apparent intention of the American representatives to take part in the deliberations, but not to vote. We welcome the appointment of Mr. Henry White, the American Ambassador at Rome, as the chief American delegate. Mr. White has a high diplo- matic reputation, and he is much in the confidence of the President. His long experience of international affairs has also made him fully familiar with the general lines of European policy. The French representatives may, we trust, be able to count on him to support any schemes for the final and pacific settlement of the Moroccan question.