The Pastoral Idea. By James Theodore Inskip, M.A. (Macmillan and
Co. 6s.)—This volume contains lectures on pastoral work delivered to the Theological Faculty in King's College, London. It is, we understand, the custom to invite from some clergyman engaged in parochical work a course of practical instruction. This supplements the regular teaching of the Professor of Pastoral Theology. Mr. Inskip's volume seems to us full of good sense and wisdom. He avoids contro- versial subjects—Confession, for instance, and Reservation—and deals with the duties and questions which are sure to present themselves to the young clergyman. He is speaking to the curates of the future, and from time to time counsels refer- ence to higher authority. Bat, as a matter of fact, there is little on which he does not give counsel, and this counsel is, as far as we can see, prudently conceived and carefully expressed.