Slit,—Mr Auberon Waugh's lucid sermon (December 23) was read with
considerable interest, I am sure, by your readers; as were, likewise, his little critics' views as embodied in their letters published in your issue of December 30.
Mr Dossetor asks for 'something new in the region of controversy.' May one endeavour to oblige him?
Western culture is that culture which has its origin and essential home in Western Europe, stemming from the stimulus initiated by Homer. Had this culture been permitted to continue uncon- taminated by alien impositions, the heights to which successive bursts of creative achievement might have reached are beyond imagination. Unfortu- nately, perhaps the most catastrophic development in human history intervened. This was the intro- duction and imposition of the Eastern, and therefore alien, conception called Christianity upon the pure stream of Western culture. The remote consequences of this imposition are seen, in all their nakedness, in the phenomena of such evils as Communism, Nazism and racialism.
The Hill House, Bodenham. Herefordshire