The mail-packet from the West Indies brings accounts of local
disturbances among the Negroes. In Jamaica, some Creole Negroes on an estate near Kingston, who had " struck" for high wages, attacked a party of African immigrants, who were willing to work at lower rates, and injured some of them severely. In Dominica, there has been a serious insurrection among the Negroes on the leeward side of the island. It broke out in violent resistance. offered to the enumerators employed to take the census. The Ne- groes had somehow got it into their heads that the Census Act was a preparatory measure for restoring them to slavery. Here again the African and the Creole Negroes appear to have taken opposite sides : a gentleman carrying a despatch to the President was saved by some Africans from a body of Creoles, who would have murdered bim. Several of the insurgents are said to have made allusions to TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE and CHRISTOPHE. There is no ground ,for serious alarm in these disturbances : they only show that the /same passions and erroneous views are at work in the Negroes as in the Trades Unionists and priedial incendiaries of this country. But they ought to serve as a warning to certain Missionaries to be more sparing in their oratorical misrepresentations.