Tuesday, July 9.
Sharp and Cook, New Yard, Great Queen Street, bookbinders-M. and I. Thomp- son, Hebburn, Durham, grocers-Hepworth and Micklethwaite, Wakefield. printers- T. and J. Gill, New Curia Exchange, corn-merchants-Robinson and Maunder, Maiden Lane, shirtmakers-Bronthead and Brooks, Bristol, builders-Engel and Cu. Hudders- field, woolstaplers; as far as regards J. Liebreich-Metcalf and Rothwell, Great Bolton, sizers-Cook and Ford, Devizes, milliners-Aspinall and Sons, Liverpool, sailmakers; as tar as regards J. Aspivall-F. B. and C. B. Phillipsou, Marchmout Street, chemist, -Ashford and Cooke, Birmingham. file-makers-Payne and Sou, Walltugford, silver. smiths-Welch and Co. Birmingham, brass-founders-Fox and Son, Poutetract, print- ers-Crabtree and Co. Rossendale, Lancashire, woollen-manufacturers-J. Allan and Co. Cheapside, straw-hat-manufacturers-O. and J. Austin. Great Dover Street, rope- makers-W. and G. T. Badcuck. Oxford, wine-merchants-Hately and On filler, Liver- pool, ironmongers -Walreu and Bateman, Norwich, shawl-manufacturers-Sillifant and Richards, Brecou, drapers-Buckley and Co. Oldham, brassfouuders; as far as regards C. Hague.
Blick, Islip. Oxfordshire, surgeon-Clarance, Roraima', potato-dealer- Manson, Ripon Yorkshire, out of business-Smallwood, Mauchester, shopman-Birley, Bantry, Yorkshire, general commission-agent-Fiemiug, Halifax, carpenter-Sale. Ashton- under-Line, out of business-Drake, Huddersfield, accountant-Arundale, Whitkirk, Yorkshire, colliery-agent-Sibley, Luton, Bedfordshire, blacksmith-Wimthurst, Chrisp Street, Poplar, carpenter-Bray, Haberdashers' Place East, Heaton, perfumer-. Dawber, Liverpool, tailor-Beasley, Walcot, Somersetshire, stone-mason-Rowland, Llaneilan, Auglesea, farmer's assistant-Higgins, Newgate Market, meat-salesmau- Derbyshire, Liverpool, butcher-Laundy, Thanet Place, Strand, law-stationer-Tyler, Walcot, Somerseishire,shopman-Dobby, Newgate Market, cutler-Adams, St. Chad's Row, St. Pancras, painter-Friend, Hs the, bootmaker-Cotterell, Banbury. boat- builder-Isabel', Swansea, Glamorganshire, builder-Lewis, Heston, baker-Collins, Heswall, Cheshire, blacksmith-Dutton, Birkenhead, Cheshire, porter-Pickard, York, saddler-Hodgson, Bradford, Yorkshire, machinemaker-Hustler. Gaiveley, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer-Forrest. Bradlord, Yorkshire, out of business.
BEAVIS, CORNELIUS, Milbrook, Hampshire, carpenter, to surrender July 16, Aug. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Hillier and Co., Gray's Inn; Mr. Usher, Southampton ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basingball Street. COWARD. WILLIAM. Hartlepool, baker, July 15, Aug 261 solicitors, Mesas. Chisholm and Co„ Lincoln's Inn Fields; Mr. Harle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
CaownER., Joan, and GREEN, JOHN junior, Macclesfield, trimming-manufacturers. July 24, Aug. 9: solicitors, Mr. Falcon, Temple ; Mr. Hacker, Leek ; Syr. Oliver, Manchester ; official assignee. Mr. Putt, Manchester,
PAGE, JAMES, Devonshire Terrace, Fulham Road, builder, July 16, Aug. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Richardson and Co., Golden Square; official assignee, Pennell, Basinghall St.
Potent-ay, AUGUSTUS, Braintree, tea-dealer, July 16, Aug. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Hardwick and Davidson, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
Pores. ALBERT, Kidderminster. carpet-manufacturer, July 17, Aug. 14: solicitors. Messrs. Boycott and Lucy, Kidderminster; Mr. Reece, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. REYNOLDS, CHARLES BENJAMIN, Des ices, tailor, July 23, Aug. 23 t solicitor, Mr. Turner, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, BristoL
Snail, Hagar MORGAL Newport, Isle of Wight, jeweller. July 16, Aug. 21 @act-
tors, Messrs. Taylor and Collision. Great James Street ; official assignee, Mr. Bell. Coleman Street Buildings.
WOOD, JAMB, and NORTON, WILLIAM, Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, faucy-cloth manufac- turers, July 19, Aug. 9; solicitors. Mr. Lever, Bedford Row; Mr. Robinsou, Hudders- field; Mr. Sanderson, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Fearer, Leeds.
July 30. Burton. King Street, Soho. upholsterer-July 30. Butterworth, Bermondsey. leather-factor-July 31. Harris. John Street, America Square. merchant-July 30, Mul- ler, Addle Street. Wood Street. furrier-July 30. Thorpe, Kensington, lineudraper- Aug. 14. Hague. llorsforth. Yorkshire, paper-manufacturer-Aug. 1, Jackson. I.eeds. cloth-merchant-July 30. Hickman. A hergavenny, victualler-Aug. 2, J. and G. Ewart. Nee castle•upon-Ty ne. auctioneers-July 31, Bell, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, tea- dealer-Aug. 2, Phillips, Plymouth, saddler-Aug. 2, W. and J. Sharrucks, Manches- ter. machine.makers-Aug. 1. Rostron and Co. Manchester. merchants-Aug. 1. C. S. and W. Heywood, Manchester. warehousemen-July 31, Tebbitt. Birmingham, tea- dealer - Aug. 2, Atcherley, Whitchurch, Shropshire, mercer-July 31. Harrington, Kidderminster, glazier-Aug. 2, Newton, Ilulbeach, Lincolnshire, cattle-dealer-Aug. 2, Jones. Kelley, Shropshire, grocer.
To be granted. unless rause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. July 30. Banner. Upt er Thames Street. provisiou- merchant-Aug. 1. Wills sod Davy. Oxford Street. drapers-Aug. 2, Williams. Sutton Street. Lambeth, furrier-July 31, Robinson, Great Trinity Lane. oil-merchant-July 31. St'instauley, Laurence Lane. comm usion-agent-Aug. 1. Nichols. Wakefield, bookseller-July 31. Thumpson and Ileitis, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merctmsts-Aug. 2. Falkingham, Bradford. bacon- factor -- Aug. 1, J. and J. S. Tolson, Huddersfield, fancy-cloth•mauufacturers-Aug. 2, Newton, Hulbeach. cattle-dealer-July 31, Hellewell. Salford, dyer, 7u be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 30. Everett. Reading,. draper-Monteath. Oxford Street, linendraper-Serldon. Middle Hutton, Lancashire, cealdlealer-Etock. Leeds, lirtendraper-Bettison, Leamington Priors, wine-merehard•-Holmei, King Street, Cheapside, warehouseman-G. and J. Wilkinson, Weltop Auckland, Durham, carriers.
Stephens, Old Bread Street, bill-broker; further die. of 31 d. July10, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Foster. Hethern, Leicestershire, termer; first div. of 3s. 4d. July 10. ur any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard-Leech, Bardwell. Suffolk, miller; final div. of Old. July 17, or any sub- sequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett. Basiughall Street-J. B. and J. Inglis. Mark Lane, merchants ; final die. or 15-16ths of a penny, July 17, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street-Parker ; first tl.v. of 2s. Id. any Thursday ; hi r. Christie, Birmingham -Wilson, Nfauchester. warehouseman ; first div. of 9s. 6d. July 13, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. l'ott, Manchester-Bridge and Staudring, Man- chester, timber.merchants ; first and final div. of 2s. lid. July 13, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Putt, Manchester-Bah:es. Bradford, Yorkshire. worsted-spinner; first and final div. of 3s. Old. any Tuesday ; Mr. Fearue. Leeds -Williams. Strudel land, currier ; first div. of Is. July 13, or ally subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne-Comer. Liverpool, cotton- broker ; second div. of 44d. July 13. or any sub- sequent Saturday ; Mr. Bird. Liverpool-Jay. London Wall. builder ; second div. of ls. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street- Piggott. Galdsmith Street. Wood Street, carpet-warehouseman ; second the. of -Id. July 10, and three following Wednesdays; Mr. Groom, Abchuich Lane-Young. Darlington ; first div. of 100. July 13, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. SO,TCH SEQUESTRAIIONS. KENNEDY, It M. and J., Glasgow, chemists, July 13, Aug. 3. LINTS V?. J., Glasgow, slater, July 13, Aug. 3. Lyon, W., Dundee. tavermkeeper, July 15, Aug. 5. WarrsoN, T., Illairgowrie, writer, July 15. Aug. 5.
Friday, July 12.
Barnes and Pratt, Southampton, livery-stable-keepers - Waukliu and Stallard, Leo- minster, wine merchants -lianwell and Browning. Nortoufalgate-Harris and Hop- kinson, Lamb's Conduit Street, tailors-T. W. nod W. Gittens, High Street. Camden Town, cabinetmakers-Ainsworth and Co. Manchester, fustian-manufacturers-Knott and Crowther, Ashton under-Lyne. smiths-Case and Co. Liverpool, tar-distillers- Busto and Parsons, Maidstone. upholsterers-Lees and Bowling, Oldham, coal-mer- chants-Dons and Scott, Wakefield. worsted.spinners-Risley and Chappell, Qaality Court, Chancery Lane. solicitors-Edmunds and Lyne, Bristol. monsters - Plymouth Export Biscuit Company. Plymouth-Baker and Co. Fenchurch Street, West India merchants ; as far as regards T. Phillpotts-Pbi11p0tts and Co. Gloucester. corn mer- chants-Currey and Cu. Fleet Street, tobacconists-Kenyon and Co. Holmtirth, York- shire. manufacturers-Lambe and Fraser. Great Prescott Street. importers of foreign mineral waters-Withers and Deutun, Southamptou, surveyors-Smith and Holt, Man- chester, calico-printers.
Dallroan, Newman Street, tailor-Blount, Seymour Crescent, Euston Square-Fow- ler, Haddenham. Buckinghamshire, grocer-Berenbtirg. Southampton Street. commis- sion-agent-Newcomb, Albion Piave. Walworth Road,cabitietmaker-Meudes, Middle- sex Street, Wl'itechasel, saddler- Halinbourg, South Molton Street, milliner-Roberts, Manchester, packer- Inns, North Moreton, Berkshire. out of business-Turner, New- caste-under-Lyme, butcher-Barlow, Liverpool, coal-agent-Beaumont, Kirkheatou, Yorkshire. faucy.manufaeturer-Rogers, Knockin, Shropshire, farmer-Bond, Long Lane, Bermondsey. eatiughouse keeper-Garrett. Stockton. commission-agent-Cup- ley, Sheffield, co. keeper-Woodley. Hon-laud Street. artist-Fairall, Sussex Place, Peckham, stamper in the Stamp-office-Nodes. Robert Street, Chelsea, undertaker- Brereton. Crosfryn, Anglesey. out of business-Peters, West Dean, Gloucestershire, labourer-Pray. Wet t Dean, quarryman-Watson, Brudenell Place. Shoreditch, hosier -Cut Gravesend, confectioner-Archer. Brewood, Staffordshire. wheelwright -Page, Canterbury, pain er-Alcock, Burton Slather. Lincolnshire, out of business-Reynolds. Liverpool, joiner-Mather, Bronti Place, Waheorth, teacher of music-Duncombe, Drury Lane, out of business-Attock, Liverpool, coach-builder-Jones, Wrexham, out of business-Sawyer, Stratford, coffeehouse-keeper.
Beaus, TRONAS, Bath. woollen-draper, to surrender July 26, Sept. 5: solicitors, Whittington and Castles. Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol, BOND, WILLIAM. Liverpool. publican, July 23, Aug. 27: solicitors, Mr. Nethersole, Essex Street. Strand ; and Mr. Owen, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liver- pool. DE LA MARCOTELLE, FRANCOIS EMANUEL CARNEL Fenchurch Street, merchant. July 19. Aug. 21 : solicitors, Mr. James, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. FoRREST. JAMES ALEXANDER. Liverpool. glass.merchant. July 23, Aug. 27: solici- tors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple ; Mr. Grocott and Mr. Dodge, Liverpool ; offi- cial assignee. Mr. Bird, Liverpool. FRYER. GEORGE. Alfred Street, City Road, grocer. July 20. Aug. 16: solicitors, Hill and Matthews. St. Mary Axe ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street. Gaiserrea, THOMAS, Stoke-upon-'Crept, tailor, July 23, Aug. 20: solicitors. Mr. Mid- dleton, Stoue ; and Mr. Hodgson, Birmingham : official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Bir- mingham.
SOUTHEY. SIMON, Kingsland Road, cabinet-maker, July 25, Aug. 20 : solicitor, Mr. Watson, Worship Street ; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. Toone, THOMas Gauor, Southampton, builder, July 23, Aug. 26 : solicitor. Mr. Fitch, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. State, Southamptou ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
WEIR. WILLIAM, Carlisle, iron-merchant, July 23. Aug. 27: s •licitors, Moulsey and Gray, Staple Inn; Mr. Bendle, Carlisle; and Mr. Hoyle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; offi- cial assignee. Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon•Tyne.
Witerrassa, HENRY, Macclesfield, silk•throwster, July 27, Aug. 16: solicitors, Lowe and Co. Southampton Build rags ; Idrocklehurst and Bagshaw, Macclesfield ; and Sla- ter and Heelis. Manchester ; official assignee. Mr. Fraser, Manchester. WooD, WILLIAM 1tol3FRT, Brighton. dentist, July 23, Aug 21 : solicitor, Mr. Lambe, Bucklersbury ; oficial assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street.
Aug. 6. Alden, Oxford, stationer-Aug. 6, Hardley. Newport. Isle of Wight, miller- Aug. 2, Manning. Dyers Buildings, mouey-scrivener-Aug. 7, Hine, Sutton, Cheshire, grocer-Aug. 20, Glover, junior Leicester, ironmonger.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day emceeing. Aug. 6, Arden, Oxford. stationer-Aug. 5, 13rennand, Highgate, iroumuager-Aug. 3. Hodson, Thrapston, Northamptonshire, linendraper-Aug. 3. Parson, Southamp- ton. grocer-Aug. 2, Bache, Milford Cottages. Peckham, builder-Aug. 3, Monk, Not- tingham, currier-Aug. 7, J. and S. Owen, Sheffield, merchants-Aug. 5, Wright, Madeley. Shropshire. innkeeper.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Aug 2. Howarth, Lee MW, near Bacup, Lancashire, cottou spinner -Deakius, Elmley
Castle, Worcestershire. horse-dealer-Pritchard, Witney, ironfounder-Syer, Bridge Street. Blackfriars, undertaker-Palmer, Lynn. draper-Fuller. Gutter Lane. ware- houseman-Hudson, Fore Street, leather.seller-Phillips, Plymouth, saddler-Cleeve. Rettendon, Essex, cowkeeper-Nicholl, Halifax, spinner-Stamina. Montpelier Row, Brompton, builder-Roby, Manchester, coffeehouse keeper-Hubbuck, South Shields,
Abbott. Blackburn, cotton-manufacturer; final div. of Is. Ild. July 16. or any sub- sequent Tuesday ; Hobson, Manchester-Fisher, Manchester, warehousemen ; second div. of Is. July 16, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fraser. Mauchester-Teesdale and Tuulson, Westminster Road. warehousemen ; first div of 5s. ed. and first div. of 20s. on the separate estate of R. Toulsou. any Saturday; Mr. Green. Aldermaubury- Martin. King Street. Cheapside, woollen warehouseman ; final div. of 104d. any Satur- day; Mr. Green, Aldermaubury-Tindall, Hastings, lineudraper ; final div. of Is. letd. any Saturday ; Mr. Green. Aldermanbury-Marsham, Augel Court, Thrognsorton Street, broker; final div. of 3d. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury-Pegler, Reading, woollen-draper; first div. of 10s. any Wednesday; Mr. Whitmore, Basing- ball Street-Evershed, Pulborough. Sussex, timber-merchant; first div. of Ss.; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street-Mott, Pall Mall, pianoforte-maker ; first and second dies. of 45. on new proofs, and third die. of Old. on all proofs; Mr. Graham. Coleman Street, Brown, Oxford Street, cheesemonger ; first div. of 5d. ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street- Miller. Liverpool, limier ; first div. of 2s. 6d. July 17. or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Pout, Manchester.
[semen SEQUESTRATIONS. ALLARDICE. R., and LAUGHT014, J., Edinburgh, booksellers, July 16, Aug. 6. ACKENRIE, R., Edinburgh, writer to the Signet. July 17. Aug. 7.
Scorr, Rev. A., Colinsburgh, Fifeshire, clerk. July 16. Aug. 9.