A Ten Years' Housing Programme Lord Amulree's committee, which has
been examining the problem of national housing, now presents its final report in support of the proposal to set up a statutory Housing Commission to organize building over the whole country on a ten years' programme. By no other means than this, in the opinion of the committee, will it be possible to provide the million new houses which are needed " to let." The problem will not solve itself, the report continues, if it is left to the free play of supply and demand. The statutory Housing Commission which the committee recommends, having powers to borrow money at a low rate of interest, will be able to see that the money is properly used and distributed as no weaker bodies, competing one against another, could hope to do. The point that cannot be too strongly emphasized is that the Housing Com- mission would not supersede the local authorities and public utility societies, but work through them and co-ordinate their activities.