13 JULY 1956, Page 15


Sr ,—,Writing about the Casement Diaries under the heading 'Shady Secrets?' (June IS) Mr. Robert Blake says: 'The most plausible explanation is that at some time in the past the British Government has entered into a con- cordat with the Irish Government to say nothing about the diaries. The absence of pro- test front the Irish Government tends to con- firm this theory.'

In reply to a Parliamentary question on the subject (Mill Reports, June 28, col. 925) the Minister for External Affairs, Mr. Cosgrave. gave me the following answer : 'I have seen a published statement of the nature to which the Deputy refers. The Irish Government has not at any time entered into a concordat, or any other form of agreement, with the British Government concerning any aspect' of the alleged "Casement Diaries." '—Yours faith- fully,

Drill Eireann, Dublin SEAN BRADY