13 JULY 1962, Page 3

9rtrait of the Week— IT HAS BEEN A WEEK OF

GREAT GOINGS-ON in space. SPace came near home when the image of a man, relayed through the American satellite Telstar, was received on screens in Western Europe. The face that launched transatlantic television be- longed to Mr. Frederick Kappel, chairman of the American "telephone and Telegraph Company. America exploded a hydrogen bomb several hun- dred miles over Johnston Island in the Pacific. It wasn't certain whether this was the long-awaited Rainbow Bomb or just a sighter for it, but people watching as far away as New Zealand and Hawaii seemed quite satisfied with the auroral dis- Play which resulted. The explosion was loudly deplored in Moscow, where the disarmament con- gress sponsored by the World Council of Peace °Pened. Canon Collins, one of the British dele- gates to the congress, had an hour with Mr. Khrushchev and said he found 'the experience a very entertaining and delightful interlude.' Mr. Khrushchev was adamant that Russia must go on with testing, in which the Americans had been first and the Russians should therefore in fair- ness be allowed to be last. He said that if disarma- ment did not come soon, 'the atoms will start sPeak ng for themselves.'

FRENCH AND GERMAN TROOPS, reviewed by Presi- ?ern de Gaulle and Dr. Adenauer, took part in a Joint march past at Rheims, the town where the German Army formally capitulated in 1945. A communique issued by the two leaders after their talks expressed 'joy' at the prospect of Britain's loluing the Common Market. In Western Ger- m,an.. Y over a hundred judges and public prosecu- tors took advantage of the Government's dis- creet offer not to inquire into their political pasts If they resigned their present posts. The Algerian Provisional Government executed a number of Algerians and imprisoned others for their part in fighting and looting in Oran, during which about hundred people had been killed. President Tshombe, who was revealed to have had secret talks with Sir Roy Welensky recently, accused tCongolese Army of trying to attack Katanga. 111 Lo tdon the United Nations Secretary-General, ,

Thant, visited the Foreign Office for informal talks mainly about the Congo situation. and said he Would soon be seeking a new mandate from the Se :curity Council for the UN forces in the 0

gu which would authorise them to help im- pose settlement there. Mr. Benny Goodman, the clarinettist, completed his tour of Russia; he said he I disagreed with Mr. Khrushchev over the definition of good music, but described Leningrad enthusiastically. as 'a hotbed of Soviet jazz.' The novelist William Faulkner died of a heart attack, aged sixty-four, at his home in Oxford, Missis-

Pi Mr. Ben Bella returned to Algeria.

Silt WINSTON CHURCHILL, recovering from a thigh operation, was still being kept in bed in the iddlesex Hospital; his condition, which in- cluded phlebitis and a blood clot on the injured leg, was causing less anxiety. President Tub- .nan of Liberia paid a state visit to London, which he saw through a curtain of rain without seeming either very put out or very surprised. Mr. Frank ,131-.11k,:s was expelled from the Electrical Trades but with an ex gralia payment of £750 tYear. At Wimbledon Rod Laver (Australia) won he the mm's singles for the second year running; in (us)w )men's singles Mrs. Karen Hantze Susman )eat Mrs. Vera Puzejova Sukova (Czecho- , Axia). At Henley the Russian Navy won the wan, . Li Challenge Cup, and Trud Club, Lenin- Grad, the Stewards', but Leander won the Dia- nitinnd and Double Sculls. Otherwise the chief Gallery %Jai sporting success was a raid on the O'Hana eontienrY in Mayfair which carried off the entire t4nAe,,, ts of an exhibition valued at about cti'-':_u00 and including works by Picasso,

onne, Renoir and Toulouse-Lautrec.