The Columbine, Tuit, from London to New South Wales, was wrecked near the Cape of Good Hope on the 31st March, crew and passengers saved. The cargo is also expected to be saved, but much damaged. Arrived. In the Downs, June 9th, Countess Harcourt, Harrison, from Mauritius ; and
• 10th, H. C. S. Earl Balcarres, Broughton, from China. Off Plymouth, 8th, Alfred, Hill, :from Madras. At Cork, 5th, Luna, Steriker, from Mauritius. At St. Helena, April -.24th, H. C. Ships Castle Mildly; Dunkin, and General Harris, Stanton ; and on the .25th, Thomas Coutts, Chrystie, from China. 24th, Wellington, Evans ; 25th, Malcolm, Ryles, and Moira, Thornhill, from Madras. 25th, Bride, Brown, and Dublin, Stewart, 4:tont-Bombay; and Moffatt, Brown, from Bengal. At.the Cape, March 30th, Lord Hua- gerford, Heatborn, from Bengal; April 6th, Elizabeth, Phillips ; Vibelia, Stephenson, and Olinda, from London. At the Mauritius, Jan. 23d, Belzoni, Talbert; and 29;8-- Agnes, Billions, from Bengal. At Madras, Feb.14th, Duke of Roxburgh, Brown ; and Bar: retto, junior, Shannon, from London. At Penang, Jan. 12th, Elizabeth, Brown, from London. At Sydney, previous to Jan. 11th, Alice, Todd ; Britannia, Blair; Cleopatra, Young ; Magnet, Johnson ; Royal Sovereign, Hide ; Royal George, Embleton ; Clark. :ton; Wave ; and Henry Wellesley : all from London. George Canning, from Liver- pool, and Colombia, Watson, from Clyde. In the Derwent, previous to Dec. 31st, Mary Shuttleworth,from London, with loss of foremast and other damage. At Vau Diemen': Land, Timandra, Wray ; Lang, Lusk ; and Lady Rowenna, Russel, from London; and Blues, Blues, from Rio Janeiro. Sailed.—From Gravesend, June 6, Mangles, Cart, for China, and H. C. S. Marquis Wellington, Chapman, for Bengal. 7th, Layton, Hurst, for New South \Vales, awl C. S. Princess Charlotte of Wales, Biden, for Bengal. 10th, Champion, Blackener, for New South Wales. From Liverpool, Jute 7, Livingstone, Pearce ; John Heyes, Wor- thington; and Princess Charlotte, Mc bean, for Bengal. From Clyde, June 8, Alex-
ander, Ogilvie, for Batavia.
Spoken.—Eliza from London to New South Wales, 13th April, 1 north, 24 west. E C. S. Vansittart, London to China, 13th May, 44 north, 13 west. New Briton, London
to New South Wales, 31st May, 46 north, 8 west.
Arrived.—Off Falmouth, June 11, Mountaineer, Canny,from Bengal, sailed 4th Feb.