13 JUNE 1835, Page 10


Slf,,K I: ".:,01st,:F.. FR/1111 'The market for English Stock has received a considerable impulse since our last ; the prim of Consols for Account having ri:en nearly I per cent. In consequence of the book of the 3 per ('mt. Consols. being shut fir the Dividends, the money investments have been confined to Reduced Stock, which has improved as much as Consols, and the demand for which for immediate delivery is sub as to have caused a great scarcity of the Stork. Thu nourish- ing state of the English Money Market is entirely owing to the distrust with which the Spanish !Securities are anti regarded ; the capital which litter ly has been dedicated to holding them being, for want of better employment, invested

in our own Funds. On Wednesday, the failure of the old-estahlislied banking.. house of Messrs. LEES, BRA SSEY, and Co., was announced ; and as this disaster has occurred at the present "period, it was instantly reported that the misfortunes of the house were occasioned by the impossibility under which they found themselves, in the existing state of the market, of realizing the amount of considerable loans advanced upon Spanish Securities. We earl, however, confidently state, that their embarrassments had no such origin, and are solely referable to a sudden and simultaneous withdrawal of the confidence of their constituents, which caused a run upon the house.

The market for Spanish Securities has continued to decline, and at one period was :IS low as 19; it has since fluctuated between all and :39. Several considerable purchases for money continue to be made; the market is evidently becoming cleared of the weight of Stock by which it has been oppressed; and we may hope for better prices with the return of confidence; though the meeovery will, we think, be slow and gradual.

The Portuguese Stocks have maintained their prices better than the Spa- nish, and the market for these Securities is its a far better state than that of their neighbouring Stock Dutch, and the other European Securities, have Inca unaffected in prices by the recent events, and continue nearly at their old quotations.

The South American Securities have also maintained their prices ; espe- cially the Chilian. Of the 31ising Shares nothing can be said, as they are mostly at nominal prices. sArcrinav, TWELVE Cr LOCR.

The Spanish Market continues firmer than yesterday, the price vi Corte Bonds being :IV, I1S. Active funds iii :17, and Spanish 17!,. this. Deferred and l'w.sive Storks are also in request at higher prices. Consols have in consequence of a considerable situ which bias been effected in the course of the morning. The Portuguese."") per Cent. Bands are at s I 85, an:! the :1 per Cents. at :cs The prospects of the inalket may be said to be slowly Niels t- ening. Z$, aa C Dati 21 per Cent:

en ns

I. Couls el Freli p !'mots


Ditto for b ,• • '5,11olt en

— I ISg5. 5 per Cents....

Nets iii.r AIIII`liticA 11 it • neX.e:111.. per 3 II.

Itank Stock

5: 54.1 India Sew!: Mr Account — , Portuguese 5 per Cent, Ito. I:eget:el: ip,)per Cent S5

Ft:cher, Bills

1,er Cents. ex. div It,' Russian, 1;22, 5 per Cent ..

Spanish. p•r Cent Itrazili•ot m C tr ent: !nth, :Sew Scrip 5 Cent... . 17 'Mt itif lianish 3 per Cents