Several correspondents ask for information conrorning the proceed- ings of
the South Australian Commission. We are told that the 11‘ rules, orders, and regulations," for the disposal of land and the emigra- ton of labourers, will be issued immediately, and that the Governor and some other officers are appointed ; but there is a sort of mystery about the doings of the Cononission, which preventa us from saying positively that these first steps will be taken directly. One should have thought, that the regulations for carrying the Act of Parliament into effect might have been framed in a day, by persons so intimately acquainted with the subject as Colonel TOItItENS and Mr. Herr, 31. P. for Mill, who was a most active member of the Colonization Society of MO. But perhaps these members of the Commission, who tho- roughly understand the subject, may not have found it very easy to persuade their colleagues that it is proper to carry out the main prin- ciples of the ssheme. This may be the rause of the curiously slow proceedings of the Commission. We shall recur to the subject next week.