:se es °Tiny:AY:Cr, June G.-Cid:is or lloyal Engineer, -First %V. lasts. 41,1 Capt, VieC WeSr, 'Lieut. 1'. It. \Vright to be U list Lieut.
Si,.,. Farb:.
NV:kit:on- FICF, how 12.-.1rith Itegt. of light 114:1::■.-J. Surinam, Gent. It itlings master, to loins the ranb: ut C.Irtzot, pa:.,t t'onolly, who resign:, 31 Foot - Capt. 11.F, be Major, by purchatat. s iee Maclean. who relict's; Ensign P. Browne, from t he CI West India Ite::t. to hi. Ftit.ign, vice Cameron, who exchanges. 7th Foot-C. Irt iteg, I:mit. to be Assitd.-Surg vice Nlittirott, appointed to the "2,1 Itegt. of Drag, 1,111 Foot--linsign Sir II. hull. Bart. to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Keating. mho nuires ; Gent. Cadet W. S.Seri . g .. from the Royal Military College, to 111.ign, by purcluto., vice Si, II. Parell. Illth Foot -t.zhiff...1::ist..Stir:t. A. Camp- bell to b.! AS■iSi..!■Ilrf.:. sic liV110,111.1.1,11,011. 35thl FOOi --II. Shim, Gott. to be Ensign, by pin vie.. )1:outsell. wilt> retire,. .Inth Foot-- E. Lee, lictit. to I, tfi.l, 1.inch:et% aiiv Bs file, ulio nit ices. 91st 'Mob-Ensign W. ii. Scott to 1st I boat. by purclia,e, vice Hickey, who retires; It. I. Onslow, (knit, to be Ensign, by ptirellase, viett chit. 9.1 West Intli.t ft.t.-Etisign J. II. Cameron, front the 31 not, to be Ensign, eke !Irwin.% Si lio exchanges. ("naltachetb-kient. It. Montgomery, from the 36th Foot, to be Capt. without purella at. I I otipit ai 't mu IT-To be Assist. Surgeons to the Fore'. --.1ssist. Slug. C. (.antlet', 11.1). Hem the 4•4111 Foot, SIrS Fryer. whose appointment has not taken place; W. II. Allman, AL Ii, siis.Canipliell. appoitileit to the 19th Fuot 0. Anderson, (1ent. %ice E. Iteaney, a:pointed to the 1,t Drag,