11IoNistv oight's concert tannin:it-al another year's existence of the Soda ty ; a society fOrmed on the bet principles, from the most laudable motives, atal et hiell ft a- many years exerted a powerful
and beneficial infludwe imon the musical charieter of this country. It was an associatioti of prole,surs seeking, mutual improvement, by bring- ing their combined exertions to bear on classical music; over whose de- cisions the caprice or ignoniece clan autlienre was hot allowed to exert any influence; n here htirCL.,,S Wit; 110L smieht in a list of titled patrons at the heed, bet in the appearance of certain chosen and truly noble names in the body of their convert-bill,. For sonic: years the exertions of the Society were vigorous and weil-direeted; every season exhibited many proofs of re-earth, of careful end diligent preptiratien. Stilt are not now the iediditions of it, caisteitee. To what purpose have the Pin:dors of the late season clubbed their tvits did exerted their talents ? what has been the re salt of the cumliined lahour, knowledge, and taste, of 211e,sr,. F. Citamea, Co yea, Ni ore, .11tier, 1Vitaelaa, and Sir Gatoihi. Seam r ? The produetion of too Shift:dos—wahine else for Lad they simply instill:actl their copyist to place on the de,ks of the orche,tra, tidies the course of the sciatei, tho,e imarumental pieces which he finnel to have ma-erred tha oftettest in the last seven years, bills, the rtatilt would have been pred- sly the same. Either, then, tin-re Is a 'useless parade, or a needles, waste of pmver. If Mr. GooinvIN be (and no doubt lic is I (elite equal to the aceomplishment of the same ends which have re-:lilted thorn the aegregate exertions of the gentlemen we have named, why need they be trenbled to meet ? Surely it would be better fur that respectahle aid intl.-fon:rabic person to be created Copyist awl Director. It is a maxim in morals, that "no more causes are to be edmitted than are nece-Sary to aet-ount for effects ;" and in mechanics, " that no greater power is to be used than is necessary to accomplish a given object:" and we recommend the Society in future to keep these principles in view, ard either to exact results commensu- rate %cid' the power employed, or to dispense with so much of it as is proved to be nimecescary.
In the inatrumental department, the sins of the Directors are those of Omission ; butiii alumat :di that concerns vocal music, tiny have been,
not idle, but misepi.evously active. Now, how does this happen? Is it in deference to I.. CRAMER'S prepossession that the names of lisaratan and DONIZET";t appear in successive schemes ? is it at Cooties especial desire that the audience are indulged with " Viii tu?" or did Reetxr sing a deal and trashy song from Marino Pal/es-n, to gratify WILLMAN ? We tram not. Each of these gentlemen feels, and would, individually, caress, the most sovereign contempt, the most decided louthing, fur ai.'. south vocal abortions. Yet there they stand, the recur& of their taste, the results of their deliberations; and they must be content to share the dise race which such a selection necessarily manila. The plea ol necessity, sorry a one as it usually is, trill not avail them here ; since they are flee autl unfettered by any vocal engegements for the season. The profession is all " before thein where to choose ;" they may cell on whomsoever they please, anti for what they please ; it may be an- cient or modern, sacred or secular, lingliali or foreign ; provided the vocal inti,ic be accompanied, they have no restriction oil their choke. And the result—is the refuse of the Opera-house served up at second. hand I Neither can it be alleged that such a choice is made in deference to the opinions or wishes of the audience. Antecedeittly there could be little doubt or uncertainty an to their likes dal dislikes ; fur those who are drawn to a concert by the instrudental music of Ilmeritoves, Mozatar, or Weinat, ure not precisely the persons to fall into raptures with the vocal music of Ii1.1.1.1N1. 'flue same indiv:duals who li,tee with rapt attention and route delight to the Pastorale Sinfonia, are net likely to be enchanted ViVi ta " or auch like trumpery. And experieuee--nightly caper:thee—proves this to be the fact. If, there- fore, such a choive can neither be aecounted for by the individual a: collective preference: of those who make it, nor by the 1,110M1 prediloc- tiona of the WIdieilee, to what is it to be ascribed? Is there any teller possible motive th:m the iar,onal ii, rrst or sonic of the parties Coll- cerned in the affair ? We have long been umvilling to suppose tl.is, and to SlisFett a job ; hat HO alternative scents to remain. Not that tilt are intrittuers, oz busily etnithlyed in tunaine their passer as Iii act' to their individual advadage; but some lack the firumeas to resist vliL thi'y know to be wrong, and acquiescence in the ind :01.1VITS sclielIP'3 of a few, from mere inertnesa, and what they call good temper. We have warned the Society again,t its wtirst enemies long : it 1111S Many withOUt, but its most formidable and active foes are withia its pale, and their conduct is fit- t precipitatiog, its decliee. Its income will this year Ire far below its expenditure: and unless the members. of the Stwiety at large are awake to the perils of their aiticitien—upless they adopt deeided and vigorous measures for- their removal—we fear OW (.1.tit: of the Philharmonic Colleens are numbered.
The f011uwi»g scheme but too fully justifies and col:firms the truth of these remarks,
sicirro coiscraa-3101ilia5, JtNE S, Erol,a Itr:Frine:r N.
!tlitdlle. Sigom. "• Fuggi
I ltall?lo Onartoi to, Foto Violin:, 'fn., Violas, Ts" Si
Mont. 'form r eitt•E. ELIAbON, WATTS, MOItAI.T, LYON, 111117, !An.
Aria, Signor It ems', .1.!‘/N11.?:TTr. 1.P.,rt Ire, Le: Deg I. .7 ■ur,a'es CIII.:RCIIINI.
ArT Ti,
Symphony (MS.) composed for the Phillimmonie Society.., C. PoTTEn. Qaarleit", MANI!. timid, Mts. E. Stnutx, Signor ItvittNI,
nod Sigitur ( / C'orwerto (MS.) Pianollirm. in I/ minor, compo,ctt for awl tit...lie:Octl to tho Philharmonic Society, (first titre of tier-
formaneti), M. II r az 11.1Imtz. Aria, Si411.11. 1.,011.4(71IF, " ! vemlicar putr.; 1; VI. TimvEN,
Overture, Da. iffret.rviottc Leath r, Mr. Loi,E11.—Coud actor, Mr. PrirrEa Here is no attempt, even, at finishing the season with eclat, ant: mustering up a little show of exertion at the last. The full instru- mental pieces are of yearly recurrence; with the exception of 1' I'o'r'rett's, which, having been heard before, !night have given h. • one of Alex twassoax's Sinfonias,—since, if' we tire to go on repeatee and repeatiog, it is as well to repeat the best.
The double Quartet of Seoint was barbarously mutilated, and tlic fine perfermance of the fragment rendered the mutilation more inex- cusable and more provoking. 'The pruning-knife, or rather the hatchet, was els° applied to the song " Ila welch' tin A ugenblick !" from ; where the erect of this fine cconposit ion was rendered ridicu- haus by the omission of the accompanying chorus, which stoat:ins and responds to the principal voice. Thu,: were Bea move:: and Seoini
served : but a very different treatment awaited Bliatext Iltaiz, every bar of whose several compositions (must they be celled?) ea-- scrupulously, anxiously retained. lil Zn Concerto cv.,s written wi:'. more effort than dint he played two years since, mid which pro- &vial iiti explositni of hisses: but Ilea?. cannot ‘vrite a great Con- certo ; his talent lit-, hi 11:s fingers, not in his brain. As an exhibition even of foamed skill, we rate hi-s performance halew that of ('its soul, Shire the one is Simply a display of velocity of finger and addrecy of 00101, While, to these, the other added an elamst vocal cal:less:on. 'Ile first movement of lisitz*s Concerto was a feeble attemat at thc style of Iluavief. ; the second air t/ F,, &wipe ; the last a hielanee, consisting of jig, fugue (or something Elie one), :led viand:. Such It composition AViti unworthy the Philharmonic dal anielit not to hare heel) inserted jut the bills. If AIENDELSSOIIN, Witil the 1110tleSty IVIdeh always accompanies true genius, chose to inake his appearance there as piandOrte-lolayer isi a Collect-to of hInzater's, it emild have been no degradation to one who, as a musician, is seercely worthy to wipe the (lest front his shoes, to do the same, suppoaiog it to have been expe- dient fir him to have played.
l'he Duet from /hat Giro-rani is wholly unfitted for the concert-- room ; the very rassagcs %Odell thrill the auditors in dramatic represhit tation, fa-come ridiculous where the action which they indicate is im- possible. The thing called a song by ItERINI, as well as the Quartet, would have disgraced Sadler's Wefts: we really believe that no com- poser, even of the meanest theatre of London, would have produced any thing so worthless.