Reports of the resignation of MAaTiNzz DE LA ROSA are
again prevalent in Madrid. It seems to be generally admitted that be Las not vigour of mind or body equal to the efficient discharge of the duties of Prime Minister in the existing state of Spanish affairs. His policy has pleased the timid, trimming portion of the Queen's professed adherents ; but has tended to alienate the more ardent, and, at such a crisis, the really serviceable partisans of the Government. Hence the continuance and spread of the Carlist insurrection.
The English and French Governments have rejected the appli- cation of the Spanish Queen for immediate and active assistance; but an Order in Council appeared in an Extraordinary Gazette on Wednesday, permitting the inlistment of British subjects in the service of the Queen,—in other words, suspending the opera- tion of the Foreign Inlistment Act. It is understood that the Spanish Minister, General ALAVA, is provided with funds for the equipment of a considerable force. It is certain that Mr. CAR- BONELL, who was mph)) ed by the Queen of Portugal and Don PEDao in procuring troops to act against Don MicuEL, is now actively employed in the same manner on behalf of the Spanish Government. Colonel EVANS and Colonel Honcss arc mentioned as likely to take the command of ten thousand men, the number to be inlisted. There can be no doubt that so large a reinforce- ment, commanded by so experienced and gallant an officer as Colonel EvANs, would soon alter the aspect of affairs in the Northern provinces of Spain.