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We are glad to learn, that the same broa 1 at d libtoal spirit which characterizes the measure of l'orporation lief( rot in Eogland awl
Walet, will pervade that intended for Ireland. bill, Which will be brought in by the Attorney-General, who was the head of the Com- mission of inquiry into the state of the existing Corporations, is nearly
ready. The principles or the intended tile:1,111'e, Si) far as they are known. have lett the upprobation of the great body of Irish Members.
Parochial and other meetings are in pisesress of belles told in Dublin, to emigratulate Lord Mulgrave on his arrival io Ireland as the King's representative. Persons of all religious peretta, ions are taking part in these gratifying proceedings. At one of these meetings, Mr. ( ostello, III reference to the procession of which the ()lenge Peers in Parliament have talked so much, gave the lidhovilig explanation. " It was true that tine banner, inscribed Repeal of the IOdell,' 11111 heen produce(' in the procession; but he pledged bis hosour, and others could do the same, that in the morning, before the Trades 1.niouists marched, the motto ' liepeal of the I Tilion ' had been covered. as a mark of respect to Lord .3.1tilgrave, is his lordship was too a Rcpt.:tier ; but the rubbing and the roio removed the coveting :Ind disclosed the words." The Irish landlords are ejecting their poor tenantry by wholesale. Tiiis has been the ease at liospital, in the county or Limerick, and on parts of the property- of the Alurquis of Wiiterford, near Kilmac- Thomas, where Rd r.t y-seven houses beloseing to the poorest of his te- nantry have been levelled, and fifty familie: ;led tool bundled and twenty- seven persons turned itdrift 1111011 the world. The Reverend John Sheridan, tbe pariah priest of Dulane and t ■ tb■it Calltain of Newtonbarry fame, has disposos s, m: or his neem iy-purchased itetate in that parish thirteen families, emomsistieg of about sixty indi- viduate.
The distress in time West of Ireland gee:lolly, but especially in Mayo, is quite appalling. Some of the pea-ie.:try moms eettielly living on sea- weed ; and iii eeveral cases, death Rootlet' :tat vat ion has oecurred. There is a want of employment for the paw, ;mil It deficieney in the potato - crop. Dr. ;1' Hale, Catholic Archlmishop of .1'itain, has written a statement of the terrible distress of the emaintry to laird Jelin Russell; and We see, front It few words which fell last last night front Lord llmirpeth in the House of Commons, that I iovernmezit adopt some measures to relieve the immediate wants ef the sufferers.
Last week, a sucinorial, signed by lief of the gentlemen and free- holders of the Queen's County (among. whom were several Roman Ca- tholie ('lergymen), was presented to lamol De Vt.:- Lorml-Lientenant of that county, complaining of t1.0 &Mitt...ion id* 11111 edict from time commission of the pi ace, and proyine his 1., h (1.-iiip ts recommend some gentlemen of that persuasion (t Se rein nammosi m, dimly quelitied by intelligence and property, to the lit,! OE:medlar as psopi r persons to sit on the Illagi,derial It may lie necesiary to /dee:vie til justism ticetim 11 of the. memorialists, that the populmition of lis. Queen's County ;mimeos to I-Eat:m.0; that there are 1,0 [ewer thamt it 0 .11agietrates at present ill the conoilis,iten, bat not oee Cm:Gaelic iit the number, that huneur being reserved exclusively ton the Protestant gentry. The evil arising out of this syetion of flivverifi: in is the more keenly felt in Ireland, where the numerical preponderance of the Catholics is so un- deniably great, and their want of confidence in the loco! administrators of justice attended with such disastrous consequences to life and pro- perty. Lord de Vesci refused to attend to the memorial on tie ground that his acceding to the request would subject him to the imputation of dealing out "one-sided justice !'' to the people.— lamle Corns/ice/dent.
A man named Bourke has been cominitted for trial on suspieion of being one of the murderers of the Revco:lid Mr. Dawson, at Bailin- carrig, near Limerick.