But,—There seems to be some misapprehension in the minds of English editors generally as to the true position of the Free Church of Scotland towards Mr. Knight. The idea seems to prevail that be was expelled from that communion. He was not. After full examination of the now famous article on "Prayer," in the light of Mr. Knight's subsequent explanations, the Free Presbytery of Dundee dismissed the charge of heresy. Against this finding a small minority appealed to the Synod of Angus and Mearns. Worried by this continued litigation, Mr. Knight sent in his resignation of the pastorate of St. Enoch's Church ; but it was not within the power of the Presbytery to consider this proposal, or to loose him from his charge, until this appeal had been disposed of favourably to Mr. Knight. After it had been so disposed of, they accepted the resignation, and Mr. Knight appeared at the door of the Established Church Assembly, not as a condemned heretic, but as an acquitted, although suspected theologian, for it must be admitted he did not regain the confi- dence of his co-presbyters. Neither, I presume, did Dr. Wallace ; but he is made of sterner stuff than Mr. Knight, and will assuredly not be worried out of his professorial chair.—I am,