13 JUNE 1908, Page 1

It is reported that the concluding words of the King's

toast have been very greatly appreciated in Russia by all classes. The phrase was certainly very happily worded. It is generally understood that the King's allusion to the "settlement of some momentous questions in the future" referred to the Macedonian problem, and the Times corre- spondent at Reval states that he has learnt on excellent authority that Macedonia formed the staple subject of the conversation between the Russian Foreign Minister (H. Isvolsky) and Sir Charles Hardinge. He adds that be is in a position to state that Russia accepts in substance the recommendation that the revenues of Macedonia should be primarily devoted to local needs, which was the crucial point of the negotiations. The allusion in the King' speech to a future meeting is also understood to mean that the Czar will this autumn visit Great Britain, being the -guest of the King in a. family and informal manner probably at Sandringham or Balmoral. We sincerely hope that the proposed visit will be able to take place. It remains to be said that the King has made the Czar an Admiral of the British Fleet, and that the compliment has been returned in kind. The cordiality of the Emperor, and his desire to mark the event as one of great political importance, has been shown by the nature of the Orders bestowed upon the British visitors. They are of the highest grade.