SIR,—Is Mr. Christopher Hollis quite fair in repre- senting the Sunday question as Mr. Legcrton and the LDOS versus the intelligentsia?
He is himself very confused in his thinking about the Fourth Commandment and*Sabbaths and Sunday recreation.
Does he know of any orthodox Jews who allowed 'recreation' on Sabbaths? Where does the Fourth Commandment stipulate that the Sabbath should be tied to Saturdays? The Divine Command is surely that the day should be holy and at weekly intervals.
It would be good for Mr. Hollis and others who think that they have the twentieth-century answers to read the biography of Archbishop Tait (R. Davidson and Bennett). Dr. Tait had to deal with the beginnings of the modern Sunday problem.
The best of the Victorians (of whom the arch- bishop is a fine example) held firmly to the conviction that Sundays should be as different as possible from the other days of the week to preserve their recreational value. They would not have admitted that what we have come to regard as 'Sunday recreation' was recreation in the true sense at all.— Yours faithfully, VICTOR IL BEATON Rougham Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds