SIR,—I only hope that Kenneth Gregory had sore r thing to
eat waiting for him after his walk friltn the centre of Bath. When we had heard Gielgud lost Sunday afternoon we wandered the streets tryir g find something other than a transport café for Jrer noon tea. We were eventually forced to select pretentious hotel, where, forty-three minutes after entering it, the only waitress brought us four er1P5' two saucers, four plates (one so filthy as to be unusable), a plate of bread and butter with the ends curling and a few biscuits. r We were not the only people so treated. Sh'o after we had sat down Gielgud appeared, appan10, also in search of tea. Realising that he had annrhtt public performance to give that evening, he had the good sense to leave. I hope he found somewhere else. When someone has driven out the barbarians d that incomparable city, and its affairs both connner cial and civic are in the hands of civilised pel I will take my wife and friends 'to another 0 Festival. Not before.—Yours faithfully, Rossholnte School, East Brent, Highbridge, Somerset